Здравоохранение Дагестана - 2025

ITE Uzbekistan announces projects of spring season exhibitions.

Everyone is worried: what awaits the numerous exhibitors and exhibition visitors? The ITE Uzbekistan company will traditionally start its spring exhibition session with "Building - UzBuild - 2010" exhibition.

It is not by chance that "UzBuild" is called the "the first building exhibition", this definition corresponds to it in both real and figural sence. Among the exhibitions, devoted to building, the "UzBuild" was the first organized in Uzbekistan project. At present, the "UzBuild" is the largest building exhibition in UZbekistan and it stands out because of its scale and the number of exhibitors. In the last year the "UzBuild" proved its superiority again - as per decision of the Directors Board of the Global Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI) - the exhibition was entered into the list of events, recommended by UFI. This year, the main building and interiors exhibition will welcome its exhibitors in the new capacity of the "Event, Approved by UFI".

There will be a satellite exhibition - "Furniture and Production Technologies - MebelExpo Uzbekistan - 2010", concurrently to the "UzBuild - 2010". Every year the "MebelExpo Uzbekistan" exhibition is held with the aim at foreign investments attraction and promotion of competitiveness on the furniture market of Uzbekistan. The most part of the foreign exhibitors give the opportunity for the national manufacturers to consider the offers on realization of the projects on competitive production at the local enterprises. The dates of "UzBuild - 2010" and "MebelExpo Uzbekistan - 2010" exhibitions: March 9 - 12.

The anniversary "Food Industry - WorldFood Uzbekistan - 2010" and "Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan - 2010" exhibitions will become the special spring events. The "WorldFood Uzbekistan" will celebrate its 10th anniversary, and its affiliated "AgroWorld Uzbekistan" exhibition will mark its 5th anniversary. Traditionally, they are the most expected events for food and agriculture industry workers. Every year the "WorldFood Uzbekistan" and "AgroWorld Uzbekistan" present an opportunity for exhibiting companies to enlarge the sales market and increase sales, to make a market analysis and to support the brand status. On the other hand, for professionals in the food industry, this is the main forum, which will define the cooperation development strategies for the nearest future. One of the important parts of the exhibition is the professional tasting of food. This competition has become a tradition, this year it will be held within the framework of the "WorldFood Uzbekistan" for the third time and will determine the best food products, which will be awarded the "Master of Quality" medals.

A parade of medical exhibitions is prepared for April, the most important of them - "Public Health Care - TIHE" - will celebrate its 15th anniversary. It is a considerable age for an exhibition, in the calendar of the ITE Uzbekistan events, the "Public Health Care - TIHE" exhibition has a special place - this is the first exhibition of ITE company in Uzbekistan. In the past it was a single event, today it was transformed into four international exhibitions, which gather pace with every coming year. They are "Public Health Care - TIHE", "Pharmaceutical Industry - AptekaExpo", "Stomatology Uzbekistan", "Beauty & Aesthetic Medicine" and they are held under one name "Week of Uzbekistan Public Health Care - TIHE". A good present for the anniversary was the high estimation of the exhibition by the international exhibition community - the last year the "Public Health Care - TIHE" successfully passed the exhibition auditing procedure and got a certificate of "Event, Approved by UFI". Thereby the Global Association of Exhibition Industry recognized the important role of the exhibition in the development of public health care in the hosting country. The "Pharmaceutical Industry - AptekaExpo" exhibition will mark its first five-year anniversary together with the "Public Health Care - TIHE". The dates of the "Week of Uzbekistan Public Health Care - TIHE" exhibitions: April 14 - 17.

The spring exhibition season will be completed by the key event in the oil-and-gas industry - International Exhibition and Conference "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010". For the fourteenth consecutive year the "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010" exhibition remains in focus of the leaders of the world oil-and-gas industry and is attractive for top companies, top executives, engineers, and experts in the sphere of oil and gas production. Every year the exhibition and conference "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010" brings together representatives of national and international companies, engaged in exploration and development of oil and gas fields. The status and importance of the "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010" exhibition grow from year to year, the evidence of it is not only the increasing of exhibition area and the number of participating countries and companies, but also an official recognition of the Global Association of Exhibition Industry. The "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010" has become the third project of ITE Uzbekistan that was certified and got the label of the Global Association of Exhibition Industry. The dates of "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan - OGU - 2010" exhibition: May 11 - 13.

The venue of ITE Uzbekistan exhibitions - NVK "Uzexpocentre".
