Рудник - 2025
ExpoCoating Moscow - 2025

VISTAVOCHNIY MOST Information Agency

[адрес] Saint-Petersburg, 190068, Russia
[телефон] +7 812 7143181
[факс] +7 812 7145535

Information on exhibitions of Russia, CIS and foreign countries, including the areas and application forms for participation, prices, sections and accompanying events
Choice and search:
The theme of the exhibition
The city where the exhibition is held
The firm-organizer of the exhibition
The date of the exhibition
The name of the exhibition
The chance to submit applications for participation in the exhibitions with guaranteed discounts via the portal
The news of the exhibition business (current news and the archive)
The database of companies engaged in the Exhibition Service (decoration of stands, customs services, cargo transportation, hotels, preparation of presentation materials, tickets/visas, tourism, leisure, car rent, and models for stands, etc.)
The database of investment projects, investors
The database of seminars, conferences, trainings
Daily updating of information, news; distribution
The catalogue of participants (virtual exhibitions)

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