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 - отдел фторполимеров
[url] http://www.plastpolymer.h1.ru
Лаборатория термопластичных фторполимеров филиала "Пластполимер-Наука" ОАО "Пластполимер"
[телефон] (812) 540 9568
[факс] (812) 540 1574

АО "Пластполимер" создано в 1993 году на основе Охтинского орденов Ленина и Трудового Красного знамени научно-производственного объединения "Пластполимер", одного из первых научно-производственных объединений СССР, образованного в 1969 году в качестве головной организации по созданию и развитию в стране промышленности полимеризационных пластмасс: полиолефинов, фторполимеров, полистирольных и поливинилацетатных пластиков.
Эта ведущая роль обусловлена тем, что объединение создавалось на базе первенцев отечественной промышленности пластмасс, ведущих предприятий подотрасли, имевших большой опыт и весомые достижения: НИИПП (научно-исследовательского института полимеризационных пластмасс), основанного в 1945 году, в лаборатории которого созданы первые отечественные фторполимеры, полистирольные, поливинилацетатные и многие другие виды пластмасс. Ленинградского филиала Московского проектного института "Гипропласт", основанного в 1958г., и ОХК (Охтинского химического комбината), ведущего свою родословную с 1715 года от основанного по указу императора Петра I Охтинского порохового завода.
С историей завода тесно связаны имена выдающихся ученых - Д.И .Менделеева, П.Н Яблочкова, И.А .Вышнегородского, С.Н. Ушакова. В конце 20-х годов нынешнего века ОХК перепрофилируется на производство пластических масс и синтетических смол. На нем впервые в стране осваиваются производства фенолформальдегидных смол и целлулоида, уксусного ангидрида и полимеров на основе эфиров целлюлозы, полиэтилена, сополимеров стирола и многих других полимеров и изделий из них.
Практически весь марочный ассортимент фторполимеров, полиолефинов, полистирольных и поливинилацетатных пластиков, выпускаемых отечественной промышленностью, создан в ОНПО "Пластполимер". О качестве разработок свидетельствуют полученные 9 Государственных премий и 8 премий СМ СССР, более 1000 авторских свидетельств. При непосредственном участии специалистов объединения пущены крупнотоннажные производства полимеров в Горловке и Днепродзержинске, Салавате и Нелидово, Узловой и Новополоцке, Омске и Шевченко, Томске, Прикумске и других городах страны. Одно из последних внедрений - пуск в Индии производства АБС-пластика и ударопрочного полистирола мощностью 20.000 тонн в год по лицензии АО "Пластполимер", в рамках первого в истории индо-российских отношений СП, созданного с частной фирмой "Гривз Лтд".
В настоящее время в состав ОАО "Пластполимер" входят:
- Филиал "Пластполимер-Наука";
- Филиал "Пластполимер-Проектная Часть;
- Филиал "Охтинский Химический Завод";
As far back as 1930 a plastics research institute was founded in Leningrad, to become the first of its kind in the country, and it was the Okhta Chemical Combine that provided it with the necessary experimental facilities.
In May 1945 the original institute was remodeled into a research institute for polymerization plastics (with pilot plant facilities), and in 1968, following its merger with the Leningrad branch of the Giproplast design institute, it became known as the Research and Design Institute for Polymerization Plastics (NIIPP).
In order to speed up scientific and technological progress in the field of polymerisation plastics, increase efficiency in research and promote the commercialisation of R & D projects a Research and Industrial Association was founded in 1969, which became known as the Plastpolymer Association. The leading body within the framework of the Plastpolymer Association is the Research and Design Institute, while the Okhta Chemical Plant provides the production and experimental facilities.
There are also several branches, divisions and departments affiliated to the Plastpolymer Association in other towns of therussia.
Plastpolymer Association and 6 other research and production associations are included into Technochim Inter-branch Association. This Association left the Ministry and now it carries out its activity similar to big companies.
The Plastpolymer Association is responsible in therussia for building up and developing, on an up-to-date engineering level, commercial production of polymerization plastics based on olefin, styrene, vinyl acetate and fluorocarbon polymers and copolymers.
Its functions as a combined research, design, commissioning and production organization, to name but the more important ones, consist in:
- carrying out research and development work, as well as design and engineering studies and experimentation on a pilot-plant and semi-commercial scale, aimed at developing new production processes or improving those now in use commercially;
- developing new polymerisation plastics and commercialising production processes for their synthesis;
- carrying out all exploratory, design and engineering work associated with the construction of new and reconstruction of existing plants, commercial, semi-commercial and pilot plant units in line with the Association's specialization;
- manufacture and sales of chemicals, plastic materials and end products obtainable from the Association's commercial, semi-commercial and pilot production facilities;
- executing all research and development projects on a high technological and engineering level, drawing as much as possible on advanced domestic and foreign experience;
- bringing on stream and to production capacity such new production units in the plastics industry as are designed by the Association or use of its technology.
It is the responsibility of the Plastpolymer Association to shape general technological standards for the production of plastics developed within the framework of the industry as a vvhole, to coordinate the projects undertaken by the various enterprises belonging to the industry, and discharge such other industry-oriented functions as standardization, unification of products and production processes, forecasting, information retrieval (including patents), economic feasibility studies, etc.
The Plastpolymer Association has developed practically the entire known range of polymerisation plastics and provided the national economy with numerous remarkable materials which are now rated for their properties as indispensable for many machines and instruments. The Association has an extensive R & D program underway for a variety of fluorocarbons, polyolefins, styrene and vinyl acetate plastics, and for high-efficiency methods of synthesizing and processing them.
The range of research includes target works including technological target work, development of processes and supply of initial data, marketing, scientific accompaniment for the creation of new plants and scientific and technical service of operating plants. Pilot plants are attached to the institute.
The total number of employees of the institute includes 850 persons, 500 of them are researchers. 7 professors and 150 candidates of science work at the institute.
The structure of the institute provides R & D activities. It includes basic process departments as per four basic problems (polyolefins, polystyrenes, fluoroplastics, polyvinyl acetate plastics), apparatus department, ecological and sanitary department, department for physico-chemical researches, target work, automation ofR&D, service departments for information, standards, planning and economics, analytical laboratory.
R & D departments are equipped with up-to-date instruments including computers.
The institute has recently developed a number of original processes. Such as impact polystyrene process, high and low density polyethylene in solution, butene-1, heat shrinkable tubes and polymeric materials.
A number of new scientific directions appeared at the institute on the initiative of leading researchers. They comprise polyfunctional components of polymerization systems, the result of this R & D are new polyfunctional initiators for polymerization, new reactive fillers, new microheterogeneous polymeric systems and compounds. They also comprise solid phase moulding, as a result of it new processing methods for polymers (including fluoroplastics) with new performances were developed. New filled polymeric compounds were also prepared.
The institute has pilot plants for basic R & D.
The institute is ready to carry out R & D in the sphere of four basic problems or in the sphere close to them on the contractual basis.
Currently Plastpolymer includes:
- Polymer Plastics Research Institute (PPM) with pilot plant;
- Design Division with Commissioning Department;
- Okhta Chemical Works.

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