Петербургский международный форум здоровья - 2025
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025


[адрес] Bridgeplex Limited, 1A Merivale Road, Putney, London SW 15 2 NW United Kingdom
[телефон] 44 208 789 4063
[факс] 44 208 785 4191

Since conception, Bridgeplex Limited with its Acoustic Wall covering systems, has continued to broaden its expertise in the architectural acoustics field. It is now an acknowledged specialist for acoustic materials and treatments.
With a policy of continuous product development under the Bridgeplex trade-mark "Soundcheck" it has a portfolio of proven acoustic interior fit-out materials for both THX and IMAX Certified Specification Cinemas, Broadcasting and Recording Studios, Concert Halls, Music Practice Rooms, Theatres, Lecture Theatres, Video Conference Rooms, Multi-purpose Halls, Gymnasia, Churches, Boardrooms, Banks, Audiology Test Rooms and Suites.
In keeping with this policy "Soundcheck" now offers a cost effective solution to your acoustic environment requirements, by providing either, a standard acoustic fit out, or with the recently extended range, a fully customised turnkey package, with involvement from initial design through manufacture, installation and commission-ing to final handover.
Certified Acoustic performance data is published for Soundcheck products, with testing being undertaken by recognised and totally independent Acoustic Test Organisations.
Established: 1970
Area Covered: UK & Continental Europe
Export to: Europe and Middle East

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