NDT Russia - 2025
Рудник - 2025


[адрес] Slovenija Kovinarska 4, 1241 Kamnik
[телефон] +386 (1) 8311 711
[факс] +386 (1) 8312 105

Текстильная компания "Свиланит" является ведущим европейским производителем банных полотенец и халатов. Технология фирмы включает все стадии: от прядения, окрашивания до производства готовых изделий. Компания предлагает широкий спектр полотенец и халатов различных размеров и из разных материалов.
"Svilanit" Textile Factory was founded in the year 1938. Since 1994 it has been organized as a joint stock company.
The firm is an important European manufacturer of Terry Towels and Terry Bathrobes. Its technology covers phases from weaving, piece and yarn dyeing, to finishing and ready making of both products. The entire "Svilanit" production is Okotex 100 certified.
Through excellent client service and high quality of its products, the firm has become a renowned company, with extremely high percentage of faithful regular clients. Its brand name "Veronique" is present in many department stores and catalogues throughout Europe. Terry Towels with invowen names or embroideries and Bathrobes are being produced for a number of hotels and institutions.

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