Профессиональные справочные системы "Стройэксперт-Кодекс", "Эксперт:Торговля" и др.
Широкий спектр электронно-правовых справочников на компакт-дисках
Предоставление правовой информации в глобальной сети Internet
Setting up and distributing specialized reference systems - professional full-text informative systems, designed to store normative-legal, normative- technical, and other materials of a certain special sphere of knowledge or activity. For instance, project "Strojexpert-KODEKS" which is a set of normative-legal and normative-technical documents with graphics and wide possibilities in searching and evaluating materials.
Granting access to legal information through Internet.
- Professional reference systems "Stroyexpert-Kodeks", "Expert: Trade" etc.
- Wide range electronic legal references on Cds
- Provision of legal information in Internet