Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025
ИННОПРОМ. Центральная Азия - 2025
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[адрес] Friederikenstrafie 12-14 06493 Harzgerode (GERMANY)
[телефон] +49 39484 50 703
[факс] +49 39484 50 700
[url] http://www.metallwerke.de

METALLWERKE HARZGERODE GMBH is a company specialised in development and manufac-turing of PISTONS FOR LARGE BORE ENGINES for stationary and marine applications.
In the year 1946 started the manufacturing of pistons in Harzgerode, a location in the centre of Germany. The following time was mainly characte-rised by the development and production of pistons for the four-stroke-engines of the "VEB Schwer-maschinenbau Karl Liebknecht Magdeburg" (SKL) group and the Eastern European Market. Based on this experience and knowledge METALLWERKE HARZGERODE GMBH extended their range of pro-ducts, and today well-known engine manufacturers around the world are our customers.

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