Parking Russia - 2025
Дентал-экспо. Самара - 2025
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[адрес] Украина, Крым, 99053 Севастополь, ул. Вакуленчука 29/20
[адрес] Vakulenchuk str. 29/20, 99053 Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine
[телефон] + 380 0692 233 588
[телефон] + 380 0692 239 174
[факс] + 380 0692 233 588
[факс] + 380 0692 239 174

Teletype: 197336 MUSSON
Направление деятельности: производство, поставка радиобуев третьего поколения "Коспас - АРБ-М" выпуска 2000 года, определяющих местонахождение в случае аварии, 406 МГц, для работы в системе КОСПАС-САРСАТ, соответствуют требованиям ГМССБ; приборов экспресс-диагностики и контроля судовой аппаратуры ГМССБ, предназначенных для проверки передающего и приёмного трактов комплекса ГМССБ в УКВ и ПВ/КВ диапазонах, портативных приборов диагностики и контроля АРБ для тестирования параметров аварийных радиобуев КОСПАС-САРСАТ в соответствии с тербованиями; установка, наладка, сдача "под ключ"судового радиооборудования для морских районов плавания А1-АЗ, сервисное обслуживание; поставка комплексов ГМССБ; разработка и изготовление оборудования и приборов на рынке конвенционных спасательных средств и их контроля.
The daughter scientific-producing enterprise (DSPE) "Musson-morsvyaz-servis" was organized in 1996 on the basis of JSC "Musson", which had thirty years' successful experience in working in the marine radio equipment production field. Since its establishment "Musson-morsvyaz-servis" has shown itself to be working stably and developing dynamically. Holding a wide scientific-industrial potential, having highly skilled specialists, the enterprise develops, makes and installs serially produced marine radio equipment, and also provides servicing wherever the equipment is deployed. The primary activities of the enterprise are: production and delivery of radio buoys of the third generation "Cospas-ARB-M", 2000 year output, which define the location of accidents at sea, 406 MHz, work in systems COSPAS-SARSAT, comply with requirements of GMDSS: production and delivery of express-diagnostics devices and control of ships' GMDSS equipment, intended to examine transmitting and receiving sections of the GMDSS complex in VHF and MF/HF range; production and delivery of portative diagnostic devices and ARB control, to examine parameters of the emergency radio buoys COSPAS-SARSAT according to requirements; installation, tuning, delivery of finished marine radio equipment for the navigating area A1 - A3 service; delivery of GMDSS complexes; development and production of equipment and devices in the market of conventional rescue facilities and their control. All equipment has a Certificate of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and meets the requirements of the International Convention "Solas".

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