Welcome Forum - 2025
Welcome Forum - 2025


[адрес] Россия, 194100, Санкт-Петербург, Лесной пр. 64
[адрес] 64, Lesnoy pr., St.Petersburg, 194100
[адрес] Россия,191100 Москва, ул. Б.Ордынка 24/26
[адрес] 24/26, B.Ordynka Str., Moscow, Russia 191100
[телефон] (812) 542 93 42
[телефон] (095) 239 44 63
[факс] (812) 542 62 28
[факс] (095) 239 23 54

МКЦ "НУКЛИД" - государственное предприятие, работающее в области обеспечения радиационной и экологической безопасности при обращении с радиоактивными веществами, изделиями и технологиями на их основе, радиоактивными отходами и другими потенциально опасными веществами.
Основные направления работ:
- Проведение комплексной экспертизы и оформление сертификатов-разрешений на конструкцию упаковочных и транспортных комплектов, на радиоактивное вещество особого вида, на транспортирование радиоактивных веществ, изделий на их основе и их отходов в системе МАГАТЭ;
- Проведение комплексной экспертизы и сертификация нуклидной продукции, изделий, ее содержащих, и упаковочных комплектов в системе ГОСТ Р;
- Проведение комплексной экспертизы и продление сроков службы нуклидной продукции;
- Разработка, постановка на производство радионуклидных источников тепла и упаковочных комплектов транспортных для их перевозки и хранения;
- Программно-методологическое и, финансовое сопровождение управления Федеральной Целевой программой <Обращение с радиоактивными отходами и отработавшими ядерными материалами, их утилизация и захоронение на 1996-2005 годы>, нормативно-техническое обеспечение безопасности ее проектов и текущее управление ее проектами в Северо-Западном регионе России;
- Экспертиза и подготовка на согласование технических условий на радионуклидную продукцию и неделящиеся радиоактивные вещества. транспортные упаковочные комплекты для их транспортирования в соответствии с ОСП-72/87 и другими нормативными документами Российской Федерации;
- Организация и участие в реализации Системы государственного учета и контроля радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов;
- Организация и участие в реализации радиационного страхования;
- Оценка экономического ущерба при обращении с радиоактивными веществами.
ICC Nuclide is a state enterprise in the field of development of articles and technologies and for ensuring the radiological and environmental safety at dealing with radioactive substances, products and related technologies, radioactive wastes or other potentially dangerous materials.
Principal directions of work:
- Program optimisation and innovation and finance support to manage the Federal Task Program <Handling of radioactive waste and worked-out nuclear materials, their utilisation and disposal in 1996-2005 years>, regulative-technical ensuring of safety of the program's designs, and the current management by projects in the North-Western Russia under Program Directorat;
- Program-methodological and innovation-financial support of management of the Presidential program "Comprehensive utilisation of nuclear powered submarines and ships decommissioned from the Russian navy and ships with nuclear power plants of Mintrans of Russia", regulatory-technical support of safety protection of its projects and current management of its projects in North-west and Far East regions of Russia under Program Directorate;
- Creation and putting into fabrication of a series of packaging on the basis of concrete-metal cask for long-term storage and transport of spent nuclear fuel including metal-concrete cask for SNF ofRBMK-1000 type reactors, for Navy SNF, for unprocessed fuel of ice breaker fleet;
Creation and putting into fabrication of a series of flexible non-returnable protective packagings made from concrete based composite materials for storage and transport of radioactive waste;
- Complex evaluation and execution of authorizations for the design of packing and packagings, for radioactive substances of a special type and for transportation of radioactive substances, products on their base or wastes of them within Competent Authority of Russia, within the IAEA system, keeping of the State data base of certificates-permissions and their submission to IAEA;
- Complex evaluation and execution of compliance certificates for nuclide production, nuclide-containing articles and packagings in the GOST of Russia system, keeping of State databases for Gosstandart of Russia, Gosatomnadzor of Russia and Minatom of Russia;
- Complex evaluation and prolongation of service of nuclide production;
- Development and promotion to commercial production of radionuclide thermal sources and packages for their transportation and storage;
- Evaluation and preparation for approval of regulations concerning the radionuclide production and non-fissionable radioactive substances, articles on their basis, packagings for storage and transport in compliance with the Basic Sanitation Rules, and other regulations of the Russian Federation;
- Organization and participation in execution of the State Account and Control system for radioactive substances, articles on their base and radioactive waste, and packagings for transport and storage, keeping of State databases;
- Assessment of risk and economical losses involved in handling of radioactive substances, articles on their basis, within the system of radiation insurance, participation in development and operation of this system;
- Participation in the implementation of international projects and programs in the field of enhancement of radiation and environmental safety in North-west and Far East regions of Russia including International Program of military environmental co-operation in Arctic (AMEC Program);
- in the majority of projects under the Agreement between the Government of Russia and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on the collaboration in the field of environmental protection in relation with utilization of Russian nuclear submarines decommissioned from the Russian Navy in the northern region and enhancement of nuclear and radiation safety;
other international programs and projects.

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