АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

ИНТЕРРОС-СОГЛАСИЕ, cтраховая компания (INTERROS-SOGLASSIYE, insurance company)

[адрес] Россия, Москва, Санкт-Петербург
[телефон] (812) 326 13 06
[факс] (812) 326 13 06
[факс] (095) 959 46 05

The insurance company "Interros-Soglassiye" was created in 1993 and is a member of "Interros" holding group.
The growth of business of "Interros-Soglassiye" was accompanied by the development of structure of the company and the augmentation of the number of employees.
The regional network of the company is represented by 30 branch offices and 4 subsidiaries.
Today "Interros-Soglassiye" is a member of Russian Union of insurance companies. Representatives of "Interros-Soglassiye" are members of Expert Council of Duma. Besides that, in 1997-98 "Interros-Soglassiye" became a member of the following pools and agreements:
- Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool
- Russian Insurance Pool of Liability Insurance of Dangerous Production Works
- Pool of Builders Professional Responsibility Insurance - attached to Ministry of Housing and Construction.
Today "Interros-Soglassiye" provides all round insurance for enterprises and private persons. Our company is one of the leaders of Russian insurance market. Our policy is to consider every client as unique and to offer a rational and profitable product.

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