Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)


[адрес] Demitras Organize Sanayi Bolgesi Fulya Sok.PK 1716245/ Bursa-Turkey
[телефон] +90 (224) 261 01 57
 (5 lines)
[факс] +90 (224) 261 01 56

FLOTEKS is a Turkish company in producing various polyethylene articles using rotational molding technology. Being the first, largest and leading rotational molder of Turkey, FLOTEKS products range from 350 g PE pieces to 700 kg of 25500 liters for storage of liquids.
FLOTEKS produces water storage tanks, boxes for textile industry, cars for the transporting of textiles, flower pots and pillars for multiple decorative purposes, gasoline and fuel storages for automotive industry, tanks for agricultural purposes, storage tanks for sun energy systems, wast bins, tanks for wast water treatment systems, on-water floats, fish-farming products, etc.
Playground equipment systems for indoor and outdoor use is the developping product group of the company.
All the machines and sheet metal molds used for company's own production are designed and manufactured by FLOTEKS itself. Mold manufacturing is company's highly competitive ability. Besides, this company has started using and manufacturing aluminium molds intensively. As steel sheet molds can be made economically and rapidly, special requirements of customers can be placed even at low series as well FLOTEKS is exporting sheet metal molds to some European rotomolders.
FLOTEKS has a wide range of services with 15 thousand meter square open and 5000 meter square closed facilities. All FLOTEKS products have the TSEK certificate, full guarantee for 1 year and are environmental friendly.

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