Здравоохранение Сибири - 2025
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Advantages of exhibiting through EXPONET.RU

Dear Exhibitor

Welcome to EXPONET.RU. We are the undisputed leader amongst Russian web-sites dedicated to the exhibition industry!

EXPONET.RU provides visitors with comprehensive information on exhibitions, not just across Russia and the other countries of the CIS, but all over the world.

We provide:

  • calendars of events;
  • exhibitions listings, with dates;
  • exhibition directories – containing participant details;
  • quick search, quick renewal, news;
  • exhibition statistics, reviews and analysis.

Our on-line-services enable you to order exhibition stands and to request visitor tickets to the exhibitions listed. You can also order stand construction, rent exhibition equipment and launch media advertising campaigns – all from within EXPONET.RU.

Currently we partner more than 450 companies. These include exhibition organisers from more than 800 cities across Russia, the CIS and many other parts of the world, stand builders, exhibition equipment producers and suppliers, suppliers of business-souvenirs producers, hotel and tour operators, the media, advertising and consulting companies, design studios and print houses.

Over the last 10 years, thousands of Russian businesses have benefited from participating in our projects.

EXPONET.RU is constantly expanding its programmes of co-operation and partnership, and today we offer the following opportunities:
