Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Special event "The Alley of Brands"™ - parade of stars at the "Prodexpo - 2010" exhibition

The event is held within the framework of the International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, and Food Raw Materials - "Prodexpo - 2010", which has won recognition and fame among the business community in many countries of the World. The "Prodexpo" exhibition in 2009 was attended by 48,185 visitors.

"The Alley of Brands"™ represents a special podium in the pavilion, where all official ceremonies (exhibition opening, rewarding of the winners of various contests, special show programs) take place.

The status of "Participant" at the "The Alley of Brands"™ assumes authorization of flying the participant corporate flag on the platform for official ceremonies, granting a service package, including PR promotion at the ceremony of the exhibition official opening and at the ceremonies of rewarding the winners of the contests, which are held at the exhibition, and also all types of advertising in the Expocentre Fairgrounds - billboard advertising on the Fairgrounds building, light panels in the "Fountain Hall" (eastern entrance), insertion into b-roll in the interactive terminals, insertion of banner on the website (with interactive link to the website of the action participant, demonstration of the video advertising on 56 plasmic displays in all pavilions of the Expocentre Fairgrounds. The participation gives the right of flying the flag of the country, in which the head office of the brand owner is located.

"The Alley of Brands"™ is a perfect ground for demonstration of the power of participating at the exhibition brands, the constellation of which, in actual fact, is the parade of the leading brand goods and their manufacturers.

"The Alley of Brands"™ showed already its effectiveness in presenting the brands to the exhibitors and visitors at the exhibitions of the 1st International Forum on Intellectual Property "Expopriority - 2009" (December of 2009).

The company's participation in "The Alley of Brands"™ at the "Prodexpo - 2010" exhibition is the demonstrative evidence of achieving the world standards and efficient innovative activity. This is a holiday for the whole industry.

Invitations for participation in "The Alley of Brands"™ are sent to the largest brand companies of the Russian food market and food industry - the winners of the annual contests "Folk Brand" and "The Brand of the Year" of the recent years, the largest sectoral advertisers according to TNS rating (selection from Top100 in 2009). The special category are the world-famous brands, which form the national image.

The participation in "The Alley of Brands"™ has already been confirmed by a number of the largest brands owners - active players on the Russian market. These are the brands that have not only gained world prominency but have also become an integral part of their country image.

"The Alley of Brands"™ in the year 2010 is designed as a beginning of the innovative tradition of presentations at the platform of the Expocentre Fairgrounds of the most popular brands on the Russian market. It will reach its climax at the International Forum on Innovations in the Field of Branding, which includes an International Congress "The Role of Brands in Image Creation and Forming", and related events, such as summing up the results of the contests, Festival of the Social Advertising. The forum will be held in the Expocentre Fairgrounds in December of 2010.

The events within the framework of "Prodexpo - 2010" supplement the exhibition and transform it into a full scale business forum.
