IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Промышленно-энергетический форум TNF - 2025

Аgrofarm - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition of Livestock Breeding and Pedigree Business

Date: 04.02.2014 - 06.02.2014 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: CJSC "IEC of AREC"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Year Number of exhibitors Countries Number of visitors Gross space Net space Source
2012 308 24 5756 12270 sq. m. 5191 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"
2011 230 19 4776 10800 sq. m. 4589 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"
2009 162 15 2859 6700 sq. m. 2870 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"
2008 169 17 2780 6600 sq. m. 3355 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"
2007 106 10 2400 3500 sq. m. 1947 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"


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