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Allianz Super Car & Bike and Moscow Festival of Speed - 2008

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4th International Exhibition and Moscow Festival of Speed Show № 1 in Russia

Date: 23.05.2008 - 01.06.2008 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Motorsport Entertainment Russia Ltd.

Topics: Society, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"Allianz Super Car & Bike and Moscow Festival of Speed - 2008" exhibition news, 18-Apr-2008

Announce: Very soon, from Mai 23 to June 1, in Moscow, the unprecidented by its scale exhibition "Allianz Super Car & Bike - 2008" will be held.

Very soon, at the end of Mai, in Moscow, the unprecedented by its scale exhibition "Allianz Super Car & Bike - 2008" will start. The organizer invites you to the world of speed and luxury!

The roll of bike engines, sails of luxurious yachts, luster of the most expensive cars... What is this? Monte Carlo? Not at all - this is Moscow, Allianz Super Car & Bike - 2008 and Moscow Festival of Speed.

Allianz Super Car & Bike - an exhibition of exclusively expensive cars, yachts and bikes will be held in the Russian capital for the fourth time. During the past years it has gained the reputation of the most daring and unusial exhibition of the world companies, presenting super-lux and sport cars, bikes and yachts, it has also got the status of the foremost budget and sponsor event. At the time of its existence, the exhibition Allianz Super Car & Bike and Moscow Festival of Speed created 25 new elite brands in Russia.

This year especially grand show is awaiting the visitors: practically all the main "monsters" of the world automotive industry will take part in Allianz Super Car & Bike and Moscow Festival of Speed. So that not only such giants as Mercury, Mercedes, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lexus, Audi are subject to be exposed as the most advanced car brands: the audience will be able to see the most exclusive brands of super cars which are known, first and foremost, to the true connoisseurs - Caparo Т1, Gilet Vertigo, Mosler, Gumbert, Koeningsegg. Official opening of yacht, motor and racing season, races and tricks on water and on land, amusement and entertainment day and night is still not the complete list of what awaits the visitors.

The start of Allianz Super Car & Bike is appointed on Mai 23, finish - on June 1, By this, the gates will be open not only the whole day but well past midnight (during the days the exhibition will be working and at nights the visitors may participate in fiery parties). The exhibition organizer - the company "Motorsport Entertainment" - decided to play at large in the new season. A really gigantic land strand on the Moscow river bank was chosen to carry out the event, where the unique exhibition grounds, encompasing land and water (to expose yachts), were built specially for the start of Allianz Super Car & Bike. Hectars of first-class, exclusively designed exhibition grounds and magnificent water area - such are the conditions for the best cars and bikes, high-speed powerboats and luxurious yachts "parade".

The core of the exhibition will be, without any doubt, the Moscow Festival of Speed, the main part in which will play vehicles, related to violent motion. This is the only event in Russia, where ground, air, and water technical novelties of the lux-class can be seen in one place.


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