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Apteka - 2011

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18th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 05.12.2011 - 08.12.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: EuroExpo

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Apteka - 2011" exhibition news, 18-Nov-2011

Announce: From 5th to 8th of December at Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" the International specialized exhibition "Apteka - 2011" will be held. The whole variety of medical and pharmaceutical products will be presented on view.

From 5th to 8th of December in the pavilion № 3 of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter" the 18th International specialized exhibition "Apteka - 2011" will be held. The exhibition is organized by exhibition company "Euroexpo" with the support of Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Russian association of pharmacy chains, Russian association of pharmaceutical marketing, Association of pharmacy institutions "Soyuz Farma", association of pharmaceutical manufacturers "Farmir".

The exhibition "Apteka - 2011" is honored by sign of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI. In the course of the years the exhibition become one of leading grounds for professional communication of specialists of medical and pharmaceutical industry.

From the year 2009 "Apteka" is held in "Expocentre" at the same time with international exhibition "Health care" as part of Russian week of health care.

Annually the leading companies - developers, manufacturers and suppliers of pharmaceutical products take part in the exhibition "Apteka". This year 200 firms from 18 counties are going to be participants of the exhibition. Among the exhibitors: A1 Pharmaceuticals Plc, Biomedicare, EIG Canada, Indukern Rus, Robinson Pharma, Borisovskiy Zavod Medicinskikh Preparatov, Nesvizh plant of medical preparations, and also Russian companies - "Altai biopharmaceutical cluster", "Altai-Farm", "Biokor", "Design-vector", "Zeldis-Farm", "Moskhimfarmpreparaty named after N.A. Semashko", "Proektika", "Tandem-West", "Firn-M", "Escape", Research and Production Group "Eskom" and many others.

The exposition will present the whole variety of medical and pharmaceutical products: medicinal preparations, health products, curative cosmetics, homeopathy, aromatherapy, dietary supplements and plant-based products, parapharmaceuticals, stomatology, orthopedic and massage products, products for newborn babies, pharmacy equipment, medical devices.

"Apteka - 2011" will offer rich exposition of the exhibition as well as opportunity to take part in specialized events on the most topical issues relating to development of pharmaceutical industry.

Within the exhibition the International medical and pharmaceutical forum will be held. Specialists from all pharmacy and medical sectors will take part in the forum: representatives of pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy chains, practicing physicians, government agents and academics.

The forum program includes: medical and pharmaceutical business conference, symposiums, discussions, master classes for practicing physicians, round tables on topical medicine and pharmacy questions. The forum creates a platform for sharing experiences in the field of pharmaceutics, financing, project management, and promotes the development of pharmaceutical market of Russia.

The exhibition "Apteka - 2011" will work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on 8th of December - from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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