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Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition of Services for Designing, Construction and Re-construction; Equipment, Supplies and Stage Properties for Cultural and Art Institutions, Educational and Entertainment Centers

Date: 10.11.2009 - 12.11.2009 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Building and real estate, Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Furniture and Office Equipment, HoReCa, Information Technologies and Communications, Society

"Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009" exhibition news, 10-Nov-2009

Announce: On November 10-12, at "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Specialized Exhibition of Services on Designing, Building, and Reconstruction "Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009" is going to be held.

On November 10-12, at "Lenexpo" fairgrounds, the International Specialized Exhibition of Services on Designing, Building, and Reconstruction of; Equipment, Materials, and Stage-Properties for Outfitting Cultural Institutions "Art. Theatre. Museum - 2009" is going to be held.

The project is supported by:

  • Ministry of Culture of the RF
  • Saint Petersburg Committee on Culture
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Academical Mariinsky Theatre"
  • State Hermitage
  • Union of the Russian Museums
  • SPb State University of Culture and Arts

The main goal of the project is:

  1. The full presentation of the whole range of equipment, technologies, services for creation of modern competitive infrastructure of culture and art institutions, creation of their attractive image among the people
  2. Improvement of working conditions for the employees in this field

This year, over 70 companies from Russia, Serbia, Germany, and Czech Republic will take part in the exhibition, which offer equipment, materials, and services for culture and art institutions.

The official opening ceremony includes "street theatre" - the theatrical performanceof the wandering puppets of Mr Peugeot, show of dancing and singing fountains of the company "Laser Master", and life performance of the string orchestra of the Hermitage Theatre.

The unique show is the model of light and art decoration of Saint Petersburg landscape. The company "Laser Pro-Light" presents a unique project "Saint Petersburg Dominants". The center of the composition is the city dominant (spire of the Peter and Paul Fortress, Isakievsky Cathedral or Kazansky Cathedral), from which the powerful laser beams go in the derections of other high buildings of St. Petersburg (cupolas of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, angel of Alexandrian column, spire of Engineering Castle).

"Litsedei" theatre will show for the first time their unique new building, outfitted with the state-of-the-art equipment.

Saint Petersburg Designer Union will demonstrate the annual interuniversity humanitarian project "Design to the City". One can see more than 60 projects of graphic, industrial, environmental design, clothes design and media design at the Union's stand.

The Saint Petersburg Committee on Culture has built a united stand for the winners of the prize "Museum's Olymp", which was founded in Saint Petersburg this year.

The guests may enjoy a selling exhibition of the works of famous modern artists and creative meeting with Mikhail Shemyakin, who brought his works of the series: illustrations to the collection works of V. Vysotsky, "Saint Petersburg Carnivals", "The Womb of Paris".

The central event of the exhibition programme is the International Specialized Congress "Creation of Competitive Infrastructure of Culture and Art Institutions", within the framework of which the most important problems of culture and art institutions are considered: modernization and material and technical equipment, innovative methods of promotion and management; complex approach to raising work efficiency in the modern conditions; legal aspects of operational activity, other issues.

The congress participants will take part in visiting seminars - will visit the new building of the theatre "Litsedei House", the historical building of Mikhailovsky Theatre, State Hermitage and Theatre and Music Museum.

For the first time there will be an exhibition and competition of the young theatre artists. This is a joint project of "Lenexpo" OJSC and Youth Center of Theatre and Cinema Art "MIG". 30 young artists will take part in it. They are the graduates of the courses of Academy of Theatre Art of E. Kochergin, V. Okunev, F. Firer, V. Polunovsky. The participants will show at the competition and exhibition the models of theatrical scenery for various plays and designs of theatrical costumes.

The winners will be defined in nominations the "Best Artistic Director" and the "Best Costume Designer". The announcement of competition results and winners awarding will be held on November 12, on the last day of the exhibition.

Exhibition working hours: from 10:00 till 18:00.


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