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AutoComplex - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

18th Moscow International Exhibition

Date: 01.11.2011 - 03.11.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ACS-Expo

Topics: Municipal Management, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"AutoComplex - 2011" exhibition news, 14-Sep-2011

Announce: 18th Moscow international exhibition "AutoComplex - 2011" (Fuel filling station. Auto service center. Garage and parking) will be held from 1st till 3rd of November in pavilion ¹ 7 and at outdoor areas of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter".

18th Moscow international exhibition "AutoComplex - 2011" (Fuel filling station. Auto service center. Garage and parking) will be held from 1st till 3rd of November in pavilion ¹ 7 and at outdoor areas of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter".

The organizer is "ACS-EXPO" company with the assistance of Moscow Government and in association with "Expocenter". Last year the exhibition was visited by more than 6500 specialists, fuel filling station owners and other car service facilities, investors.

Data 15th of August more than 105 firms from 9 countries have already become participants of the forthcoming exhibition. Expectation of Russian and foreign exhibitors is based on actual results achieved in development of Russian economy and majority of CIS countries.

Rate auto sales growth is 56 % as compared with the same period of the previous year, it is ahead of any expectations. 1,235 millions of cars and light commercial vehicles was sold. There are all the reasons to believe that sales level of new cars will come up to 2 millions till the end of the present year.

Business recovery and huge potential of increase of the field of post-sale services for owner-drivers in all the former Soviet Union - is a good motivation for makers of associated equipment and technologies.

Business program of the exhibition will be full of events. Here, in conference hall of pavilion ¹ 7, on 1st of November International conference "Experience and prospects of development of parking and garages in big cities" and from 2nd till 3rd of November 4th International oil products congress: quality, accounting, storing and transportation of oil products will be held. The organizers of the congress are publishing house "InfoTEK" and Subcommittee on development of oil and gas industry of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation. A number of exhibitors are preparing interesting events: conferences, seminars, presentations.

The largest producers of motor-vehicle refuelling equipment in Russia are preparing recent developments for the exhibition. Among the companies: Joint venture "TATSUNO RUS" (Ryazan), Joint stock company "Prompribor" (Livny), LLC "Topaz-servis" (Volgodonsk), LLC Research and Production Company "Shelf" (Shakhty).

The following foreign exhibitors should be mentioned: "Gilbarco Veeder-Root","Corken", "Liquid Controls Group" (USA), "Scheidt und Bachmann" (Germany), "Dresser Wayne" (Sweden), "Adast systems","OPW" (Czech Republic), "Broen Zawgaz" (Poland), "Beijing Sanki Petroleum", "Hîngyang Group Co" (China). The known Ukrainian firm AZT "Slavutich" is a permanent participant of the exhibition.

Environmental protection and ecologically clean technologies will also be widely presented on view. Intensive growth of use of gas as motor-fuel is a topical issue. This topic will be presented on view of the exhibition very detailed by such known companies as: GT7, LLC "Evrogals", LLC "Gaspostavka" (Moscow), FAS Flussiggas-Anlagen GmbH (Germany), LLC "Mitex" (Saint Petersburg), LLC Science and Production Association "Rotor" (Lyubertsy), LLC "Techno Project" (Pskov).

Modern metrological equipment will be presented by: NTF "Novintekh" (Korolyov), LLC "Kontur-M" (Kazan), LLC Research and Production Enterprise "Sensor" (Zarechny), LLC Research and Production Company "Spetstechnologii" (Mytishchi).

Year after year representation of companies offering multipurpose IT programs grows, including controlling systems and non-cash payment programs.

This day almost entire system of oil products supply, proprietary network and single gas filling stations, service stations, car parks and other facilities of car service are fitted with relevant information technologies, but their perfecting goes by the rapid leaps. That way our exhibition presents new and progressive items. They are presented by such firm as: NCT, IT, Expertek IBS, Innovation Business Technology (IBT) (Moscow), LLC "AUTOMATIKA plus" (Penza), Group of companies "Tri-E", CJSC "HORIS" (Saint Petersburg), "AZS-DOZA servis" (Cherepovets), PK-Electronics (Novosibirsk) and others.

In the pavilion and at open areas the best samples of facilities for transportation and storing of oil products and gas will be demonstrated by: Trading house "Spetstekhnika GrAZ" (Nizhny Novgorod), "KoboRUS", "Rusbusinessauto" (Moscow).

Complete service for engineering, construction and equipment of fuel filling and NGV-refuelling stations is presented by: LLC "Stroyinvestservis", LLC "Stroykomlex AZSÑ" (Moscow), LLC "Trading house Tri-E" (Saint Petersburg), CJSC "Metrolog" (Samara).

Trading house "Everything for AZS", LLC "Service-TEK", LLC "Trading house "Oleum service" (Moscow), LLC "Neva-service" (Saint Petersburg) will present equipment for fuel filling stations from manufacturers of Europe, USA, Japan.

CJSC "SKON" (Yekaterinburg) and "Hectronic Gmbh" (Germany) offer construction and equipment of mini fuel filling stations (automated fuel filling stations). This upcoming trend in the filling business will get further development surely. CJSC "Penzaspetsavtomash" offers mobile fuel filling stations.

Wide range of car wash equipment will be presented by Moscow representative office of leading German company "Kàrcher".

Range of related services at fuel filling stations and other facilities of car service is becoming wider. LLC TO "Euromarket" and LLC "Krior" (Moscow) will present retail and storage equipment at the exhibition.

Sharp increase of quantity of cars in Russia and CIS countries created serious problems in traffic management, parkings and garages providing. It is especially felt in Moscow. The capital administration implement measures directed to these problems solving expediting. The actuality of the issue in particular have motivated holding of the International conferences mentioned above. Up to the minute equipment and technologies for development of parking and garage infrastructure will be presented on view of the exhibition. Among them: Groop of companies"Elix", "Information systems development", "ASK-T", "Miccom ISB", "ComplexParking" (Moscow), "Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH", "Hectronic GmbH" (Germany).

The information support to the exhibition is provided by more than 20 leading specialized companies such as "Oil and gas vertical", "Oil of Russia", "Modern AZS", "AGZK+AT", "Fuel market", "Transport on alternative fuel", "AvtoOpyt", "KUZOV" and others.

An active assistance in the exhibition preparation is provided by the Department of Transportation and road-and-transport infrastructure development of Moscow, CJSC "Expocentre", Russian fuel union.

Against the backdrop of expansive sales growth at car market of Russia and other countries of CIS, demand for equipment and technologies for post-sale service objects is surely increasing. All that says about being in demand of topics of our exhibitions.

18th Moscow International Exhibition "AutoComplex - 2011" (Fuel filling station. Auto service center. Garage and parking) is an unrivalled opportunity for promotion of equipment and technologies, receipt of orders for engineering and construction of fuel filling stations, car service facilities, parkings and garages.


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