ЗооБизЭкспо - 2025 Урал
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Date: 01.01.1970 - 01.01.1970 



"" exhibition news, 18-May-2011

Announce: International specialized exhibition-forum "Autoindustry. Autocomponents - 2011", organized by Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga", will be held from 23rd to 25th of November in Universal Sports Complex "Olimp", Tolyatti city.

The 4th International Specialized Exhibition-Forum "Autoindustry. Autocomponents - 2011", organized by Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga", will be held from 23rd to 25th of November in Universal Sports Complex "Olimp", Tolyatti city.

Automobile industry - one of the main parts of the Samara Region economy (annual income of AvtoVAZ is 1 % from budget of the Russian Federation). In the territory of the Samara Region automobile cluster is extensively forming, it is called to provide an innovative breakout in development of domestic automobile manufacturing.

Special economic zone of manufacturing kind functioning in the territory of the Samara Region will promote territorial concentration of financial, material and intellectual resources in the region, and thus growth acceleration of automobile manufacturing, transportation industry, forming of new competitive kinds of activity.

SEZ status provides privilege and preferences for residents. Among them - exemption from property and land taxes for the period up to five years, reduction of income tax to 13 %, introduction of free custom zone mode, and also range of privilege allowed by regional legal system.

Such measures are to provide good investment climate in the region and to attract to the Samara Region foreign manufacture. At the current day tentative agreements with residents dealing in manufacturing of automotive components are signed, many of the agreements are instigate by AvtoVAZ. Upon that geography of the cooperation includes such high-tech countries as Germany, Switzerland, Japan, USA, France, Italy, Great Britain.

Under the conditions of intensive forming of SEZ in the Samara Region specialized exhibitions attract great attention of the industry and government institutions. One of such large events called to join together representatives of Russian and foreign automotive industry will be international exhibition "Autoindustry. Autocomponents" which is hold by Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga".

About 200 foreign and Russian companies will take part in the event, they will present production and recent developments in the field of automotive components and automobile industry.

Exhibitors and visitors can conduct negotiations and reach mutually rewarding agreements for foundation of join manufactures, find new partners, come into sale market of their interests, inform regional and national governments about enterprises significant for the industry.

The exposition subjects: automotive components for ОЕМ; raw stuff, materials and constitutive elements for automotive components manufacture; equipment for automotive components manufacture; engineering, innovations, technologies; investments in automotive components industry; sub contracting; automotive components supply logistics; financial, banking and insurance services; standardization and certification; training and personnel; specialized publications.

As a part of a large business program is planned: topical conferences, seminars and round tables with participation of regional and national representatives, leaders of foreign and Russian companies and specialists in the industry.

The project will be held by the support of: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tolyatti, Ministry of economical advancement, investments and trade of the Samara Region; The Leipzig Trade Fair; the Fraunhofer society; NAPI (National agency of Industrial Information); OAR (Association of Russian automakers); NAPAK (National association of automotive components). Also the support will be given by: acknowledged leader in exhibition organizing - Messe Frankfurt RUS and International specialized exhibition "Automechanika Moscow".
