IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
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UchSib - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

International Educational Exhibition of Training Facilities, Equipment, Materials, Technologies and Methods, Innovative Ideas and Experience

Date: 14.03.2013 - 16.03.2013 

City: Novosibirsk - information about city

Holder: ITE Siberia

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Consumer Goods

"UchSib - 2013" exhibition news, 04-Mar-2013

Announce: "ITE Siberian Fair" invites education institutions of all levels to take part in the International educational exhibition of training facilities "UchSib - 2013", which will be held from 14th to 16th of March in Novosibirsk.

"ITE Siberian Fair" invites education institutions of all levels to take part in the International educational exhibition of training facilities, equipment, materials, technologies and methods, innovative ideas and experience "UchSib - 2013" to share experiences, to present authors methods and innovative developments. The event will be held from 14th to 16th of March in Novosibirsk in the International Exhibition Center "Novosibirsk Expocentre".

Annually the exhibition "UchSib" gathers more than 200 Russian and foreign exhibitors. The number of the exhibition visitors is about 7000 people. The exhibition offers massive opportunities for demonstration of education institutions achievements, exchanging information, providing modern methods and facilities for education, results of educational developments and experiments, effective exchange of experience.

The project is focused on the mainstream audience - pupils, students, teachers, parents, and touches upon the whole range of the subjects.


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