IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Building Ground of the Future - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

Architectural-Building Forum

Date: 18.03.2010 - 20.03.2010 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: SOUD

Topic: Building and real estate

"Building Ground of the Future - 2010" exhibition news, 17-Nov-2009

Announce: A significant event will be held on March 18-20, 2010, the Architectural and Building Forum "Building Ground of the Future - 2010", in the largest exhibition center of Sochi town in "Zhemchuzhina" Hotel Complex for professionals of building industry.

A significant event will be held on March 18-20, 2010, the Architectural and Building Forum "Building Ground of the Future - 2010", in the largest exhibition center of Sochi town in "Zhemchuzhina" Hotel Complex for professionals of building industry.

The Architectural and Building Forum will combine under the same roof representatives of building organizations, covering all stages, from projecting till infrastructure development. At the exhibition you can see the latest advances of building industry, advanced technologies, modern building materials. Practically all the aspects of modern building industry will be presented at different grounds of the Forum. The participant's geography of the exhibition has not less a full-scale range - currently about 80 companies from different regions of Russia: Southern Federal District, Central Federal District, Northwestern Federal District applied for a stand at the exhibition. The housing and public utilities sphere has great development prospects in the Olympic capital of Russia. At the moment, practically in all regions of the country there has been providing with sector reforms with the aim of efficiency improvement of housing and public utilities in order to become a leading edge performance level.

The Forum will be held with the assistance of:

  • Administration of Sochi town
  • Builders Union of Sothern Federal District
  • Builders and Employers Union of Kuban
  • Builders Union of Sochi town
  • Architecture and Town Planning Committee of the Administration of Sochi town
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Krasnodar Region
  • Building Corporation "YUGSTROYINVEST"

The exhibition organizer: "SOUD-V" Ltd. along with the "SOUD - Sochi Exhibitions" JSC - a prize winner of the "Russian National Olympus", the leader of exhibition industry of Sochi city-resort. Since 1994 the "SOUD - Sochi Exhibitions" is a full member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) and since 2005 - a member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). The company had organized more than 370 exhibitions of different topics over the last 18 years of effective work.


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