"International Calligraphic Exhibition - 2008" exhibition news, 27-Mar-2008
Announce: High Technologies instead of a "woodcutter axe". At one of the meeting with his Finish colleague, the Russian Prime-Minister Victor Zubkov, stated the following: "It is high time you stopped exporting Russian round timber".
High Technologies instead of a "woodcutter axe".
At one of the meeting with his Finish colleague, the Russian Prime-Minister Victor Zubkov, stated the following: "It is high time you stopped exporting Russian round timber". And added that woodworking industry needed to be invested.
There is hardly a person who would deny the words of Zubkov despite his authority. But primarily because of woodworking being more profitable, useful and prospective than export of the so-called round timber.
Is it a mere coincidence that at the time Zubkov was speaking in Vologda Region about the investments in processing of national resources, the 9th international specialized exhibition of timber products, equipment and materials for wood, pulp and paper and woodworking industries WOODEX 2007 was working in Moscow? Nowadays it is perhaps the only exhibition in Russia which demonstrates progressive woodworking technologies and contributes to growth of Russian furniture and woodworking industries. We discussed the results of WOODEX with the President of MVK International Exhibition Company Andrei Lapshin and MVK Director General and Chairman of the Board of Directors Aleksey Shaburov.
Rossiyskaya Gazeta: One of the conclusions the experts drew up after the exhibition was finished was that the future of Russian wood industry depends on high technologies and ecologically clean enterprises. Do you agree with the opinion?
Andrei Lapshin: Absolutely. We would always say that outdated and worn-out equipment and sometimes lack of it are one of the most burning problems of the wood industry.
RG: However, despite numerous discussions on the necessity of primary and secondary wood processing, there are not many volunteers. The temptation to use large woodcutting machines and get fast and considerable profit is too much.
Andrei Lapshin: In the current situation it is not enough to have large machine-tools and instruments. The woodworking equipment is to be hi-tech, space- and time-consuming and, of course, ecologically clean. If all the requirements are concerned we will be able to make up a competitive product for both Russian and world market.
Such equipment is not a fantasy, but quite real. Moreover, there is no need to tour Europe looking for the equipment, but come to the WOODEX exhibition which promotes innovative woodworking technologies in the Russian market. I think the visitors of WODEX noticed that it aims at secondary wood processing mostly; thereby it introduces machine tools and equipment for furniture industry and wooden house building, production of doors and windows.
RG: How would you evaluate the Russian exhibitors?
Andrei Lapshin:The trade fair showed that Russian manufacturers offer equipment which no worse than its foreign analogues, and the dealer companies both effect delivery of machine-tools to the Russian market from all over the world and provide service and engineering maintenance for the enterprises of various woodworking branches.
RG: How were the foreign exhibitors represented?
Andrei Lapshin:Prominent companies from Austria, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, China, USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belgium brought the samples of their products to the show. The list can be continued. Although the WOODEX exhibition provided the exhibitors and guests with the opportunities to grasp the most advanced technologies of timber and woodworking industries, it was not enough. Participation in the exhibition nowadays is a real chance to establish direct business contacts, exchange experience and offer their technological innovations to all the interested specialists.
RG: Your exhibition is known in press as the "ideas fair". Would you take up a risk to name the leader of the fair?
Aleksey Shaburov: To my view, German companies validated their leadership in innovations. A parallel-planning machine with functions of milling and drilling machine and trimming saw was very popular with the visitors. A new machine is characterized by all the German technological advantages: high precision of details processing, stable quality and convenience.
One of the Italian companies together with its Russian representative demonstrated a new machine-tool for curved edges facing, providing high-quality processing of details of any configuration. Russian machine-tools and technological lines were the evidence of high competitiveness of Russian woodworking equipment manufacturers. The centerpiece of the exposition is the first Russian incessant jointing line selecting wood defects and cutting standard sized lumber.
The competition Leader of Woodworking, organized by MVK International Exhibition Company and magazine Derevo.RU, was held for the third time this year. Every year the competition becomes more popular, which means it really chooses the companies which offer advanced and upcoming elaborations for woodworking industry.
RG: Are you satisfied with the results of the exhibition?
Aleksey Shaburov: The MVK executives find the show successful. The international guests have the same opinion. Vincent Chram, representative of SYMAP Woodworking Machines and Tooling Group, on behalf of all French delegations said that the first feedbacks from French colleagues were very optimistic and the established contacts are really important and effective. He also added that this first positive experience will make French enterprises participate in the exhibition in future as well".
"The exhibition provides ideal conditions for the development of enterprises, establishing contacts and sharing experience. At this exhibition we were offered to join EUMABOIS. It opens new prospects for Russian equipment manufacturers. We thank the organizers for giving us these opportunities!", said Alexander Vassiliev, President of Drevmash Association, Director General of Borovichi Woodworking Machines Plant Ltd.
We see the way WOODEX influences the Euroexpofurniture exhibition. The exhibition area of the latter has enlarged from 37, 000 sq. m in 2000 to 65, 000 in 2007. In 2009 we plan to expand it up to 90 000 sq. m. We also notice the dependency of the two shows. Demonstrating equipment for furniture manufacturing at WOODEX we observe the gain of Russian furniture industry productivity at EEM. One exhibition provides machine-tools, another - consumers of the machine-tools. Organization of mutually profitable exhibitions is the peculiarity of MVK projects. Launching WOODEX in 1993 we set up profound woodworking as the priority though it was not a profitable business at that time.
As you see, the results are impressive. We are aware of our problems and we know how to solve them. And we also know that only sky is the limit for us
ÐÃ: Shall we wait for the 10th anniversary exhibition?
Aleksey Shaburov: Sure! On December 2-5, 2008 the Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre will welcome the best representatives of the woodworking industry at the 10th anniversary WOODEX exhibition! I would like to remind the Russian furniture manufacturers and woodworking industry representatives of the possibility to visit the exhibition free of charge. To do that you have to register on-line at MVK web-site. We are looking forward to seeing you at the Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre. Meanwhile, you are welcome with your offers and wishes.
However, do not think that WOODEX is the only MVK project. On February 15, 2008 we launched a new project, International Calligraphic Exhibition. We are asking talented people of different professions to participate in the project and contribute to development of a healthy and beautiful society. This project provides the opportunities for Russian manufacturers and development of Russia in general.