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International Calligraphic Exhibition - 2008

Attention! The event is over.

Exhibition Project

Date: 16.09.2008 - 21.09.2008 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holders: MVK International exhibition company, National Calligraphers Union

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Society

"International Calligraphic Exhibition - 2008" exhibition news, 04-Jun-2008

Announce: On May 31, in "Moscow Country Club" (Moscow) after the President Cup Golf Tournament had finished, there was a final press conference with the participation of the organizers and sponsors of the tournament.

On May 31, in "Moscow Country Club" (Moscow) after the President Cup Golf Tournament had finished, there was a final press conference with the participation of the organizers and sponsors of the tournament. A symbolic check for 1 million rubles was handed over to the founder of "Give the Life!" fund Chullan Rachnatova for the children suffering from heavy deseases.

As explained by the head of the Foreign Ministry department that provides services to the foreign diplomatic corps Ivan Sergeev, the organizer of the tournament in Nakhabino, "attracting new partners such as International Exhibition Company, which organized original exposition "International Calligraphic Exhibition", may become a good example for Russian business repersentatives. Such project has not only spiritual power but also bears a huge aesthetic and educational aspects for the future of Russia - our children".

The director general of "MVK" CJSC Aleksey Shaburov offered to organize in the nearest future a tour of the exposition "International Calligraphic Exhibition" around institutions for children suffering from heavy deseases. To show the children excellent works of the calligraphers from around the world and organize master-classes, which simbolize the beauty of the art. This approach is supposed to bring joy to the children and help to get out of the difficult reality situation.

There is a hope and faith in the health improving of the oncoming generation. MVK company will make everything possible to bring closer the day of recovery for children, who need help.


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