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Khimia - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition of Chemical Industry and Science

Date: 16.09.2019 - 19.09.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topic: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry

"Khimia - 2019" exhibition news, 31-Jul-2019

Announce: At the exhibition "Khimia - 2019", which will be held from 16 to 19 September in Moscow, a special VR/AR-solutions zone will be set for chemical industry.

The novelty of the international exhibition of chemistry industry and science "Khimia - 2019" which will be held in "Expocentre" from 16 to 19 September will be a special zone "VR/AR for chemical industry" with a same name conference accompanying it.

At the exhibition will be presented the technologies of virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality, which allows to train production personnel of chemistry enterprises effectively, to familiarize employees with specificities of technological equipment, to study the correct sequence of actions for emergency and non-emergency situations and to improve the efficiency and safety of producing in general.

Today's VR/AR-solutions are actively used by the giants of Russian chemistry and petrochemistry, among them "SIBUR", "URALCHEM", "Gazpromneft", "Rosneft". It cannot be assumed, however, that VR/AR is a privilege of big corporations. The adaptivity of modern VR/AR-solutions and their price makes them accessible for medium and even small chemical companies.

In the special zone "VR/AR for chemical industry" for the fist time set up at the exhibition "Khimia - 2019", leading Russian developers of industrial VR/AR-solutions - companies CROC, VR Concept and Modum Lab will present their elaborations to the practicians and guests of the exhibition. Specialists will tell about the prospects of using VR/AR-solutions in chemical and oil refining industries and a methodology for their implementation into production. There will be also presented the novelties of VR market, such as virtual reality suit Teslasuit and gloves TAU Tracker, making the work in virtual reality the closest to the work in real conditions.

The exhibition "Khimia - 2019" is organized by the "Expocentre" with the support of: The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Russian Chemists Union, FGUP "NTZ "Chimvest"", OAO "NIITEKHIM", Russian chemical society n. a. D.I. Mendeleev, Chemistry faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Every year more than 400 exhibitors from more than 20 countries takes part in the exhibition, around 16 thousand of Russian and foreign specialists attends this event.


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