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Mir Detstva - 2009

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15th International Exhibition. Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers. New Educational and Personality Development Programmes

Date: 27.10.2009 - 30.10.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Consumer Goods, Medicine and Health Care, Society

"Mir Detstva - 2009" exhibition news, 29-Oct-2009

Announce: October 27 saw the official opening of the 15th International Exhibition. Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers. New Educational and Personality Development Programmes "Mir Detstva - 2009".

October 27 saw the official opening of the 15th International Exhibition. Goods and Services for Children and Teenagers. New Educational and Personality Development Programmes "Mir Detstva - 2009".

"Mir Detstva - 2009" is one of the brightest and the most socially important projects of "Expocenter".

Problems of the mother and the child, as well as the improvement of the demographic situation are the top priority challenges facing Russia. "The successful development of the domestic industry of children's goods is an important constituent of the set of measures to tackle these challenges", underlined Deputy Director General of Expocentre Fairgrounds Mikhail Tolkachyov. The Mir Detstva Exhibition is an event that reflects the state of the industry and is one of the largest and most representative exhibitions aiming to develop a civilized market of goods and services for children and teenagers and to saturate the market with high quality products.

This year Mir Detstva welcomes 500 companies from 30 countries. Speaking of the innovations of this edition Mikhail Tolkachyov mentioned the salon of children's clothes, footwear and accessories which, owing to its speedy development, will become a separate CJF - Children's Fashio - 2010 International Exhibition next year. Among the new highlights of this exhibition is the "Digital World" Game Festival. The programme of business-related events is featuring the 3rd Specialized Trade Forum 'Russian Market of Children's Goods: Strategic Solutions for Suppliers. Other interesting events on the programme are the "Children's Catwalk" Programme, the conference on children's and teen's clothes, the "Inventory, Customs Value and Customs Regulations for Children's Goods Imported into the Russian Federation" Conference and many others.

Owing to its social importance, "Mir Detstva" is held under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Government of Moscow, and with the assistance of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The exhibition always attracts great attention of the public. "Mir Detstva - 2009" received welcome addresses from Nina Ostanina, State Duma Deputy and Head of the Regional Charity Fund "We Won't Leave You in Trouble"; Oksana Dmitriyeva, State Duma Deputy; Valentina Petrenko, Chairwoman of the Federal Assembly Committee on Social Policy and Healthcare.

Head of the Department of Policy Concerning Youth, Education and the Social Protection of Children of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Alina Levitskaya read out a welcome address from the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, where he said that "there is no doubt that the exhibition will encourage cooperation among manufacturers, federal agencies and non-governmental organizations that are working to ensure high quality of life for children, and protection of their rights and interests."

Vice-President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin mentioned the special status of the "Mir Detstva" exhibition too. He noted that it was held for the 15th time, and every edition came up with something new and interesting for children, parents and industry specialists. Closing his speech Mr. Katyrin said that the exhibition has a rich past and a promising future.

All the content of the exhibition is of great importance, - pointed out Deputy Head of the Moscow City Department of Education Tatiana Guseva. - Moscow will host a UNESCO conference on pre-school childhood next year. It will welcome delegates from 200 countries. In the run-up to this event "Mir Detstva - 2009" has accumulated achievements, positive experience and best practices relating to the social policy and goods and services for children, and is demonstrating that Moscow has a lot to share with the world.

Moscow is a socially-oriented city. The social policy of the Government of Moscow is aimed to support the family and the child. As a result of this policy this year saw the natural population growth in Moscow,' stated Yulia Grimalskaya, Deputy Head of the Moscow City Department of the Family and Youth Policy, congratulating "Mir Detstva" on its 15th anniversary. In her speech she noted that "Mir Detstva" showcased everything that was the best, innovative and advanced in the industry.

The organizers and participants in the 15th anniversary "Mir Detstva - 2009" exhibition also received congratulations on its opening from President of the National Association of Toy-Makers Antonina Tsitsulina and Deputy Director General of the Centre of Assistance to Homeless Children Charity Fund of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Larisa Protsenko.

The opening ceremony was attended by Lidia Ilyenko, leading specialist of the Healthcare Department of Moscow, Dean of Moscow Medical Academy No. 2; Maxim Yentyakov, Director General of Detsky Mir-Tsentr (Children's World-Centre) OAO; Viktor Yarmolenko, Chairman of the Committee of Manufacturers of the Children's Goods Industry Association and other officials.

The "Mir Detstva - 2009" International Exhibition is located in Pavilions Nos. 2, 6 and 8 of Expocentre Fairgrounds.

The working hours are:

  • October 27, 28, 29: 10:00 - 18:00
  • October 30: 10:00 - 16:00

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