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Chillventa Rossija - 2012

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International Specialized Exhibition of Refrigerating Equipment, Climate Equipment and Heat Pumps for Industry, Trade and Construction

Date: 07.02.2012 - 09.02.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: NuernbergMesse GmbH

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Chillventa Rossija - 2012" exhibition news, 11-Aug-2011

Announce: International exhibition of refrigeration equipment, climate equipment and heat pumps for industry, trade and construction "Chillventa Russia - 2012" will be held from 7th to 9th of February at International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo".

From 7th to 9th of February at International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo" International exhibition of refrigeration equipment, climate equipment and heat pumps for industry, trade and construction "Chillventa Russia - 2012" will be held.

The exhibition will present current methods and technology of refrigeration and small-scale climate industry, which are one of bases for the country ecological safety promotion. These methods and technology are related to priority areas of development of science, methods and technology in the Russian Federation, and also to emergency technologies of the Russian Federation.

148 companies from 16 countries took place in the first exhibition "Chillventa Russia - 2011". Almost 50 % of exhibitors are leading Russian enterprises of refrigeration and small-scale climate industry, including manufacturers of alternative energy sources. The exhibition was highly appreciated by specialists, exhibitors and visitors and made a substantial contribution to adoption of modern technologies for industry, trade and construction. The exhibition was held with the assistance of government institutions of Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, competent domestic and European professional organizations, among them: International academy of refrigeration, Germany engineering federation - VDMA, European partnership for energy and the environment - EPEE, Association of refrigeration and small-scale climate industry enterprises of the Republic of Belarus - APIMKH, Europe-wide association on natural refrigerating agents - EURAMMON, Association of European manufacturers of refrigeration compressors and control tools - ASERCOM, National agency for energy saving and renewable energy - NAERE. In work of the exhibition congress representatives of Russian energy agency and UNIDO took place also.

Official partner of the exhibition is Russian union of refrigerating industry enterprises - ROSSOUZKHOLODPROM.

World achievements in designing of environmentally safe and energy saving equipment, sharing advanced exchange, direct business and scientific contacts presented by the exhibition and the relevant congress congress, serve to modernization of domestic enterprises on the base of the presented technical and process solutions. The exhibition sections and its business program is held within doctrine of food, environmental safety and energy strategy of Russia.


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