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Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Christmas Fair - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Christmas Fair - 2025

Pre-Holiday Exhibition-Fair

Date: 19.12.2019 - 22.12.2019 

City: Sochi - information about city

Holder: SOUD

Topics: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Consumer Goods, Trade Fairs

"Christmas Fair - 2019" exhibition news, 27-Jun-2019

Announce: In Sochi from 19th to 22nd of December 2 exhibition events will be held: wholesale and retail trade exhibition-fair of all kinds of food commodities "Kuban - 2019" and new year's multipurpose exhibition-fair "Christmas Fair - 2019".

From 19th to 22nd of December in Grand Hotel "Zhemchuzhina" 2 exhibition events will be held: wholesale and retail trade exhibition-fair of all kinds of food commodities "Kuban - 2019" and new year's multipurpose exhibition-fair "Christmas Fair - 2019".

Exhibitions are held by the company "SOUD", laureate of "Rossiysky Natsionalny Olimp". "SOUD" has been an Active Member of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) since 1995 and a member of Union of International Fairs (UFI) since 2005. After 28 years of successful work the company has become one of the leaders of exhibition industry in Russia, more than 570 exhibitions of various subject areas organized.

Exhibitions will be held with the support of:
- Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Krasnodar Krai;
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar Krai;
- Administration of Krasnodar Krai;
- Sochi City Adnimistration;
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sochi.

Today's economic and political realities have created incentives for the revival and substantial development of the Russian food commodities. Russia is rich with all kinds of food products and raw materials for its production.

Over vast Russian areas, there are regions which are rich in natural resources for cattle-breeding products, but growing fresh fruits and vegetables in an industrial scale may be rather inexpedient. Kuban is one of those unique lands with beneficial soil with everything you've ever wanted. It's pleasant climate, fertile soil, diverse terrain and, of course, rich corporate traditions - every part of it causes rapid growth of manufacturing virtually all kinds of food products in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, the exhibition takes place in Sochi. The place where Kuban meets the Caucasus, gifted its unique products to the world cuisine and beloved by all recipes of centenarians.

The wholesale and retail trade exhibition-fair "Kuban - 2019" will present all kinds of food commodities and raw materials. Over the years, this event has become a tradition.

For several years, the best producers of food and beverage attends this event from all over the Russia and manufacturers from Krasnodar Krai hold a significant place there. Kuban environment-friendly products are famous for their high quality and competitive price. Product tasting of manufacturing companies is one of the most popular things with the visitors of the exhibition.

Special holiday treats are waiting for you - a great variety of delicious foods from Kuban companies and others from various Russian regions and CIS countries.

Christmas and the New Year are the season of wonder and happiness. Long vacations are waiting for you. Spending time with your nearest and dearest, giving presents, setting the tables, having fun, visiting your friends, having some time for yourself and your hobbies - everything without hurry.

On the Eve there is always a shortage of time, endless queues in shops. That is why customers are always looking forward to this event and visit this exhibition-fair with delight, where everything, that they are looking for in anticipation of special occasion, is gathered in one place.

Presents - from precious gifts for our relatives and beloved to souvenirs for colleagues and neighbors, treats, nice little things - everything's in demand on days like these.

Celebration - for everyone, it will be in every house and office. And that is why at the "Christmas Fair" you will find stalls with plenty of goods for every holiday occasion:

  • huge choice of presents: toys, jewelry, clothes, accessories, original products from various materials and much more
  • holiday decorations: Christmas tree ornaments, interior decorations, pyrotechnics, fancy dresses for children and adults
  • christmas gifts: candles, icons, small statuary, printed product, lenten food

In addition to plenty of goods, many nice surprises are waiting for the guests: a meeting with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, master classes by participating companies, lots of Christmas cheer, contests, drawing of prizes, New Year's lottery and artistic collectives performances.


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