CleanExpo Урал -2025
Интеграция - 2025

Press Release

CleanExpo - 2005

The official opening ceremony of the exhibition was held with participation of the Vice-President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Mehman Ahmedov, the General Director of the BEKO company Mr. Djan Dindjar, and the Ambassador of Egypt to Azerbaijan Mr.Yusif Ahmad Ibrahim El Sharkovi.

In his speech, Mr.Ahmedov said that just a few years ago it was impossible to hold in Azerbaijan an exhibition with such a theme. The opportunity of organizing such an exhibition today is the result of the open doors policy and of the success achieved in all the spheres of economy. Speaking of the possible success of the anticipated exhibition, Mr. Ahmedov emphasized that it aims at providing the foreign and local business circles with an opportunity to establish new contacts and to attract new investment into the country. And the success of the given activities is, first of all, connected with the development of the branches of national economy.

Within the three days of its work, the exhibition was visited by 3500 professional visitors from Azerbaijan, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Germany.

Despite the debut and small number of the participant countries, the exhibition achieved its goal. The companies which arrived in Azerbaijan in search for distributors and partners in order to realize the goods in our country accomplished their goals. Thus, as the result of the exhibition, the Vyazemskiy Engineering Plant established its representative office in Baku. The German producer of professional vacuum cleaners, the Robertson and Thomas company discovered a distributor in the person of the Aynur Service company. These facts indicate that this exhibition is in demand and is an event of actual significance for the country.


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