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Press Release

ExpoCoating Moscow - 2015

The 13th International exhibition of technologies, equipment and materials for surface treatment and coatings application "ExpoCoating Moscow - 2015" was held on October 27-29, in Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia.

The exhibitors presented technologies, materials and equipment for electroplating, powder, zinc, vacuum and paint coating; for surface treatment and preparation; wastewater treatment, as well as auxiliary equipment and components, and services in coating, too. 43 companies from Russia, Italy, Turkey, China and Sweden took part in the exhibition.

Among the exhibitors there were the industry leaders such as Ostec Group, RTS Engineering, NPK Promyshlennaya komlektatsiya, Process SPA, Navicom, Poliplast, Lazurnoe, TD Elma, St. Petersburg Center Elma, KraftPowercon, Sigma Aqua Technologies, Topol-Eco, Buffoli Group, InterChemmet and others.

Tikkurila, Orenburg Hot-Dip Galvanizing Plant, Finishing Technology Center, GoldTrest, Vacuum Technology Laboratory, Coal Innovative Technologies, Galvaniki.RF, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Shanghai Xiang Rong Industrial Equipment companies participated in the exhibition for the first time.

The saturated business programme was held within the exhibition. The seminar "Future technologies of anti-corrosion zinc coating" attracted special attention of visitors. The information and expert support of seminar was provided by NPK Zinc Development Center and TERMISHIN RUS Ltd. There following issues were discussed: modern trends and technologies of zinc coating, environment safety, zinc plating and surface treatment technology introducing into manufacturing processes, problems of durability of anti-corrosion methods, HR training. Over 70 experts in the field of anti-corrosion took part in the seminar.

Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev held the round table "Import substitution prospects in the field of surface treatment and coatings application". New developments and equipment in the field of PB manufacturing, electroplating plans and wastewater treatment facilities, produced by the Russian companies, were discussed.

The exhibitors took active part in the business programme and presented equipment, technologies and materials for modern electroplating plants, anti-corrosion coatings manufacturing, vacuum coatings, powder coatings, chemical nickel-plating, coatings mechanical properties control, surface treatment for powder coatings, and etc. at the demo-area. Visitors were particularly interested in the presentations of the following companies: Interchemmet ("Real opportunities of the domestic developer and manufacturer in the field of agents for surface treatment before powder coating production"), Chemnikel ("The process of НСА-10 chemical nickel-plating application in industry"), Vacuum Technology Laboratory ("Vacuum coatings application methods: chrome-plating, nickel-plating, aluminum-plating, copper-plating and tinning"), ITPM SO RAN ("Air-plasma spraying of powder coatings with gas-and-dynamic focusing of the heterogeneous flow").

This year "ExpoCoating Moscow" exhibition was held for the second time, but since 2016 the exhibition will be held in the fall only together with the international industrial exhibitions "Testing&Control", "NDT Russia", "Mashex Moscow", "PCVExpo", "Power Electronics".

These figures confirm, that the decision to change the exhibition terms and hold it together with other industrial exhibitions gave the expected cohesive effect. Participants were able to negotiate both with direct visitors and visitors of the other exhibitions, who were interested in solving problems related to the topic of "ExpoCoating Moscow".


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