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ExpoCoating Moscow - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition ExpoCoating Moscow - 2025  - Participation

17th International Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment and Materials for Surface Treatment and Coatings Application

Date: 22.10.2019 - 24.10.2019 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"ExpoCoating Moscow - 2019" exhibition news, 24-Jul-2019

Announce: The company "Gazhimcomplect" for the first time will take part in the International exhibition "ExpoCoating Moscow - 2019" which will take place on 22-24 October in Moscow.

ExpoCoating Moscow - 2019

For many years, "Gazhimcomplect" has been acting as a supplier of heat exchanging, capacitive and general industrial equipment made of stainless and carbon steel, titanium, aluminum for power engineering enterprises, oil and gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical industries ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, enterprises of housing and communal services, food-processing industries.

"Gazhimcomplect" provides its customers with the whole range of services, from performing basic projects and detailed design to manufacturing, delivery, installation and putting the equipment into service:

  • Selection and complex delivery of the equipment according to the specification of customer-enterprises with recommendations based on technical calculations for the optimal choice of types and the equipment construction and their material performances
  • Elaboration of the design-engineering documentation for technological equipment
  • Design and manufacturing of the equipment on customer-enterprise's assignment with feasibility studies for the creation and modernization of existing equipment
  • Delivery of the equipment abroad with customer requirements
  • Development of projects for modernization of reprocessing plants and provision of the necessary equipment to construction sites
  • Participating in technical negotiations with technology suppliers for making optimal decision on material performances and required equipment design

Depending on specifications of the request "Gazhimcomplect" team examines basic reference data, performs essential calculations and makes recommendations for the standard equipment. In cases where the standard equipment does not ensure basic preference data, the company carries out scientific researches and development efforts aimed at elaborating individual equipment which is in full accordance with customer-enterprise's technological process.


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