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CEREALS-Mixed feed - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

9th International Specialized Trade Fair

Date: 10.02.2004 - 13.02.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Marketing Centre "Expokhleb"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


List of participants 09.12.2003

  2. Schauer Maschinenfabrik
  3. Voest Alpine Intertrading
    Czech Republic
  4. Prokop Feed Milling
  5. Agrotechnology Ap/S
  6. Cimbria Unigrain A/S
  7. DAKA A.M.B.A.
  8. FOSS A/S
  9. Skiold Saeby A/S
  10. Sprout Matador A/S
  11. Finzim
  12. Rehuraisio OY
  13. Suomen REHU
  14. Adisseo Eurasia
  15. Bonilait Proteines
  16. Clextral
  17. Amandus Kahl GMBH
  19. BASF AG
  20. DANZAS
  21. Degussa AG
  22. TAME S.A.
  23. Agrex S.p.A.
  24. Akzo Nobel / Intervet
  25. Cehave International
  26. Hifeed BV
  27. Koudijs Feed BV
  28. LNB International
  29. Ottevanger B.V.
  30. Provimi BV
  31. Van Aarsen
  32. Agra Company
  33. AgriServ Vladimir
  34. Agro-ASH
  35. Agrobalt Trade
  36. Agro-Business, magazine
  37. Agrokorm
  38. Agromarket (magazine)
  39. Agronews (newspaper)
  40. Agropolimer
  41. AgroRynok (magazine)
  42. Agrovit
  43. Agro World
  44. All-Russia scientific and research institute of mixed feed
  45. All-Russia scientific and research institute of grain
  46. Alsico-Resource
  47. Ammophos-Trade
  48. Aquilon
  49. Arsenal Golgi
  50. Autopark No 1, "Spetstrans"
  51. AVIS
  52. Belkovy produkt
  53. Belokholunitsky machine building Plant
  54. Biochim-Trade
  55. Biofactory
  56. Biofood
  57. Biotroph
  58. Bolshevo-khleboprodukt
  59. Baltik-Vitamin
  60. Business Card
  61. Business in processing industry (magazine)
  62. Compasslab
  63. Compound Feeds (magazine)
  64. Dairy and beef cattle (magazine)
  65. Development of economic reforms, Found
  66. Elevatormelmash, Gorokhovets
  67. Elevatormelmash, Kropotkin
  68. Erga Plus
  69. EuroChim
  70. Feedeco Group
  71. Feedland
  72. Feed Millers Union
  73. Gyprorybflot - Ecos
  74. Ilinogorsk Mixed Feed Plant
  75. Jasko
  76. INFO
  77. Istrakhleboproduñt
  78. Ivanteevsky Elevatormelmash
  79. Kapital-Prok
  80. Kargo Co
  81. Khleboproduktprogress
  82. Khleboprodukty (Bread business), magazine
  83. KormAgri
  84. Kormozagotovka
  85. Kormsnab
  86. Krasny sakhar
  87. Kubanagroprod
  88. Lumex-Centrum
  89. Magnitogorsk Bakery Plant
  90. Mevaco
  91. Mikoyan's Meat Processing Plant
  92. Moloko
  93. Molt-Agro
  94. Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  95. Moscow state machine-testing station
  96. MTF-Pererabotka
  97. Mustang Ingredients
  98. Myasomolmash
  99. Narvac
  100. Nashe plemennoye delo, magazine
  101. New agriculture, magazine
  102. Niñomix
  103. Pischeproprodukt
  104. PLAUN-systems
  105. Prodmolkorm
  106. Provet
  107. Rakhmanov's Silk Plant
  108. Reason
  111. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
  112. Russian Grain Union
  113. Russian Guild of Bakers and Confectioners
  114. Saratov Mixed Feed Plant
  115. Sibbiopharm
  116. Sibvet
  117. Sodruzhestvo GK
  118. Soya
  119. StarAgroService GK
  120. Starooskolsky Bakery Plant
  121. Stylab
  122. Sverdlovsk Bakery Plant
  123. Svinovodstvo (Pig breeding), magazine
  124. Tsenovik (Price review), magazine
  125. Technex
  126. Tekhnika i oborudovaniye dlya sela (Farm equipment), magazine
  127. Tekhvet
  128. Temp
  129. Time-97
  130. Trade House YUG RUSI
  131. Ulixes
  132. Uniagro
  133. Veterinary consultant (newspaper)
  134. Vetprom
  135. VIC
  136. VitaGarant
  137. VitArgos-Rossovit
  138. Vitasol
  139. Vitro-korm
  140. Vologograg Mixed Feed Plant
  141. Volzhsk Yeast Plant
  142. Vostok GK
  143. Yantarny kolos
  144. Zernoprodukt plus
  145. Zhivotnovod (magazine)
  146. Zhivotnovodstvo (magazine)
  147. Zooindustry (magazine)
  148. Prado Transformados Metalicos S.A.
  149. Buehler AG
  150. F.Hoffmann - La Roche
  151. A.L.S Traders
  152. Unormak
  153. Agro-Simo-Mashbud
  154. CherkassyElevatorMash
  155. Frunze Works
  156. Granteh
  157. Kharkovprodmash
  158. Komsomolets
  159. Stirol - Rub-Trade
  160. Storage and grain processing (magazine)
  161. ADM
  162. Alltech
  163. Feed International (magazine)
  164. Insta-Pro
  165. World Grain (magazine)


Additional information:
