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itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009

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16th Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means, Computers, Information and Internet-Technologies

Date: 22.10.2009 - 24.10.2009 

City: Krasnoyarsk - information about city

Holder: Krasnoyarsk Fair

Topic: Information Technologies and Communications

"itCOM Information Technologies. Telecommunications - 2009" exhibition news, 15-Oct-2009

Announce: On October 22-24, at the EC "Siberia" (Krasnoyarsk), the Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means , Computers, Information and Internet Technologies "itCOM - Information Technologies. Telecommunications." will be held.

On October 22-24, at the exhibition center "Siberia" (Krasnoyarsk), the Specialized Exhibition of Communication and Telecommunication Means , Computers, Information and Internet Technologies "itCOM - Information Technologies. Telecommunications." will be held.

This year the exhibition will be devoted to presentations of the new information opportunities. Electronic digital signature, as analog of autographic one, will be presented by the company "TTK-Sibir". This innovation, in designers' opinion, is called to give legal effect to the electronic document and to reduce the time of transaction execution by speeding up the documents exchange.

The issues of efficient time management will be discussed at the seminar organized by the famous Russian adviser - Gleb Arkhangelsky - the creator of the largest in the Internet project on time management: Improvement.ru.

The modern systems of information unathorized access control as well as anti-virus systems will be demonstrated by the famous IT-companies.

Besides, the exhibitors and visitors to the exhibition will see the latest models of cellular phones, will take part in ЗD-presentations of additional services of cellular operator - MTS company, will test and discuss innovative corporate service based on LBS, which allows to define the current location and movements of the company staff, running of buses.

Stalls of free long distance phone communication and Internet access will be organized for visitors, prize drawing will also be held by exhibiting companies.

The new section of the exhibition "PhotoExpo" will offer professional photo services, software for processing of images, equipment for photo studios. Within the frameworks of this section, the first in Russia exposition will be presented, devoted to the accident at Sayano-Shushenskaya hydro-electric power station, the autor of which is the photo correspondent of the international agency Reuters. The exposition of cinema projecting equipment and film editing equipment will be organized by a photo studio at the exhibition. Everyone who wants to try on costumes and play some small part in a real filming will be able to do it and afterwards will get a disk with film footage.

Within the framework of the exhibition programme the visitors will know how to reduce the communication costs, protect themselves from the cyberfraud and a lot of other things when they visit the following round tables and a seminar:

  • Round table "Practical measures of enterprise informational safety support. Protection of users against cyberfraud"
  • Round table "From electronic services to electronic city"
  • Round table "Automation of project management in the sphere of information technologies and software development"
  • Seminar "Information safety. Personal data"

Exhibition is held under the auspices of:

  • Informatization and Communication Department of Krasnoyarsk Administration
  • Regional Association of Companies in the Sphere of Innovative Technologies

Exhibition organizer: Exhibition Complex "Krasnoyarsk Fair".

Exhibition coorganizer: cellular network operator MTS.

General partner of the exhibition: company "TTK-Sibir".


Additional information:
