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Summer Cottage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2012

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Specialized Exhibition-Fair

Date: 15.03.2012 - 19.03.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Organizing Technical Centre "Interopttorg"

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Building and real estate, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation

"Summer Cottage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2012" exhibition news, 11-Jan-2012

Announce: The specialized exhibition-fair "Summer Cottage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2012" will take place from 15th to 19th of March in Moscow in pavilion № 20 of the All-Russia exhibition center.

The specialized exhibition-fair "Summer Cottage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2012" will take place from 15th to 19th of March in Moscow in pavilion № 20 of the All-Russia exhibition center for purpose of information support for realization of government program of agricultural development and market regulations of markets of agricultural products, raw material and food for 2008-2012. It will be held with the support of RF Ministry of Agriculture, Union of Russian Gardeners, Moscow Union of gardeners, Association "Gentle farmer" and Club "Moscow flower gardeners".

The exhibition-fair is the largest annual spring exhibition in Russia, awarded logo of Russian union of exhibitions and fairs.

The exhibition organizer: JSC "Organizing technical center "Interopttorg", member of Russian union of exhibitions and fairs, the Guild of MCCI exhibition and fair organizations.

The overpass spring 310 firms and organizations took part in the exhibition. They presented products manufactured in 20 regions of Russia, and in Ukraine, Moldova, Republic of Belarus, Holland, Canada, Poland, Switzerland, Finland and other countries. 49000 visitors came to the exhibition (according to auditing firm "RussCom IT Systems").

The products needed for sustainable development of rural areas and small forms of husbandry in the country will be presented at the exhibition fair "Summer Cottage. Garden. Landscape. Small Mechanization - 2012": small tools and equipment, watering systems, garden tools and household equipment, woodworking equipment, power installations and environmental support systems; allotment crop growing (seeds, planting stock); electric tools; fertilizers and crop protecting agents; hothouses; covering material; furniture for summer cottage and garden; hardscape; landscape design.

Within the exhibition business program the conferences for discussion and realization of Program of sustainable (balanced) development of small forms of farm production and rural settlements in association with gardening movement is to be held. Seminars, round tables by leading specialists of VSTISP and VNIISSOK will be organized.

About 300 enterprises and firms from more than 30 regions of Russia will take part in the exhibition exposition.

The exhibition will allow to familiarize with developments of leading native plant breeders, engineers and scientists, which promote receiving heavy and guaranteed yields.

Among the exhibitors: Federal state unitary enterprise Engineering research and production center "Salut", farm firm "Our garden", "NK Ltd", "Poisk", firm "Center of instrumental trade", "Avgust", "Technoexport", "Green-Pik Invest", firm "Ronik - Kaliningrad", "Advantage Komplect", "L&T services", "Na dache", "Polymer", "GLASS HOUSE", leading scientific institutions NAMI, VSTISP, VNIISSOK, All-Russia research institute of potato agriculture named after A. G. Lorkha.

The information support is rendered by: FGNU "Rosinformagrotekh", "Tverskaya 13", "Your 6 Ares", "Udacha - Expo", "Argumenty Nedeli", "AiF "Na Dache", magazines "Farmstead", " Selskaya Nov", "In the world of plants", "Garden live", "Landscape and design", "Planet of flowers", "Farmer of Northwest", "Gardener, "Flower gardens", "Garden with your own hands", "Russian Gardens", "Sadovod", Radio of Russia, Retro FM, Radio "Dacha", television channel "Russia 1", 3rd channel. The advertising campaign of the exhibition-fair also includes distribution of information at thematic exhibitions, electronic, post address dispatch of invitation cards.

Representatives of wholesale buying organizations and consumer cooperations, specialists of enterprises and leading agricultural research institutions, municipal improvement services and industrial establishments, building organizations, park and garden facilities, landscapers, specialized salons and shops, designers of housing and surrounding grounds, representatives of sports complexes and stadiums, hotels, vocation homes, private customers, wholesale and retail sellers and buyers will be invited to the exhibition.

At the end of the exhibition certificates and gold medals, cups will be presented.


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