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Dental Expo Saint-Petersburg - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

International Dental Forum

Date: 05.11.2009 - 07.11.2009 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Medicine and Health Care

"Dental Expo Saint-Petersburg - 2009" exhibition news, 06-Nov-2009

Announce: The 2nd International Dental Forum "Dental-Expo. Saint Petersburg - 2009" was opened in Saint Petersburg. The organizers are the companies PRIMEXPO and DENTALEXPO.

Yeasterday, on November 5, the 2nd International Dental Forum "Dental-Expo. Saint Petersburg - 2009" was opened in Saint Petersburg. The organizers are the companies PRIMEXPO and DENTALEXPO.

The Forum is held under the auspices of the Committee on Public Health Care of Saint Petersburg Government, Dental Association of Russia, Association of Russian Trading and Industrial Dental Enterprises "Dental Industry" and Dental Association of Saint Petersburg.

The following persons took part in the official opening ceremony:

  • Josef Bochkovsky, President of the Association of the Trading and Industrial Dental Enterprises "Dental Industry" (RoSI), Vice-President STaP, presidium member of All-Russian Association "Support of Russia"
  • Vladimir Kozlov, the main maxillofacial surgeon of the Committee on Public Health Care in Saint Petersburg, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, honored veteran of the Russian science, Professor Egor Danilov, President of Dental Association of Saint Petersburg, Vice-President of STaP
  • Boris Moroz, main dentist of the Committee on Public Health Care of Saint Petersburg Government
  • Ilia Brodetsky, General Director of the Exhibition Company DENTALEXPO
  • Tatiana Petina, Head of the Department of Medical Exhibitions "PRIMEXPO"

In his opening speech in front of the guests and participants of the exhibition, the President of the Association of the Trading and Industrial Dental Enterprises "Dental Industry" I.S. Bochkovsky said that the exhibition had grown despite the situation in the world: "The tandem of two exhibition companies, which was formed several years ago, has brought good results. The exhibition is growing, the number of its exhibitors is increasing too".

E.O. Danilov noticed that Dental Association of Saint Petersburg always supports this Forum and considers it as the event, which is worth professional attention and contributes to the development of the industry. "It goes without saying that the Forum will contribute to both the dental science progress and improving of the situation in public health care, despite the crisis. Today we see that the interest to the Forum is not declining, that means that the crisis is temporal and we shall overcome it together".

Over 90 companies will present the state-of-the-art dental equipment and expendable materials from Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Slovakia, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, USA, South Korea, China, Lithuania, Brazil, Canada, San Marino, Finland, Czech Republic, Austria, Russia. The russian manufacturers from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Voronezh, Kazan, Belgorod, Pskov, Ekaterinburg, Sochi and other cities also presented their products.

Novelties, presented at the exhibition:

- new line of dental plants of the series "Diplomat" of the firm "Chirana Dental" (Slovakia) - company "Eur-Med Neva"

- up-to-date materials and equipment for production of high quality prosthesis from flexible materials - company "Galaxy"

- stereolithographic models with soft artificial gums, displaying the roots of the teeth, mandibular channel and other structures - "Surgical Innovations" OJSC

- BeeFill Pack (VDW) Germany and motor + anex-locator (VDW) - mulotifanctional motor with the headpiece of siron 6:1 in sets

Exhibition working program includes:

  • international conference of maxillofacial surgeons "Modern stomatology"
  • symposium "Analytical aspects of therapeutic stomatology. Strategies and tactics of choice of ergonomic methods of services"
  • master-class and training "Increasing of dental clinics profitability"
  • scientific and practical conference "Diagnostics, treatment and disease prevention of maxillotemporal joint"

Every year the Forum gives new impuls to the industry development, enlarges the sphere of business partnership and scientific and technical cooperation.


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