Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

WinTec Expo - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition of Window Technologies

Date: 29.02.2012 - 02.03.2012 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: Premier Expo

Topic: Building and real estate

"WinTec Expo - 2012" exhibition news, 16-Nov-2011

Announce: International exhibition of window technologies "WinTecExpo - 2012" will be held from 29th of February to 2nd of March in Kiev in International exhibition center.

International exhibition of window technologies "WinTecExpo - 2012" will be held from 29th of February to 2nd of March in Kiev in International exhibition center.

The exhibition "WinTecExpo" is a complex valid events which will help window and facade system manufacturing companies, architects, professional and social organizations to overcome temporary sales slowdown more efficiently.

"WinTecExpo" is an exhibition of leaders, professionals and specialists of higher aerobatics in the industry, who have something to share with colleagues, partners and customers. Invaluable experience gained in the course of the years of work is an advantage of the companies which approved themselves at the market.

The exhibition has developed from specialized exposition "Windows & Doors" of the largest exhibitions held in CIS countries and organized by international company ITE Group.

Strong European brand "WinTecExpo" has come to Ukraine for the first time after approved itself at German, Russian and other markets. "WinTecExpo" is debuting in Ukraine in the period when construction volumes have dropped and race for customer has intensified, also customer's requirements to architectural project elements have grown because of intense competitive expansion. Under the circumstances the projects selected for the exhibition "WinTecExpo" will obtain additional "brand capital", and the project authors will approve their professional reputation.

Success factors:

  • Availability of responsible partners pay a key role. The organizer of the exhibition is a company which has created and has been holding the largest exhibitions for more 15 years, among the exhibitions: "MosBuild", "KievBuild" and "KazBuild"
  • "WinTecExpo" is held in the best exhibition center of the country - International Exhibition Center
  • The exhibition period is one when winter frost -as a season factor work volume lowering - leads market to mode of planning and preparation for sales
  • Partners of Festival, Competitions and Podium discussion are known public organizations and companies which command deserved respect - Ukraine Construction Association, All Ukraine union of construction materials and products producers, National Union architects of Ukraine
  • "WinTecExpo" is organized by the company Premier Expo (sub-company of ITE Group in Ukraine) as a demo ground which will help affluent buyers to direct their expenses to the order of improvement of habitation comfort and the market operators - to become familiar with new communication forms with potential customers

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