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EcoFamily - 2012

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Environmental Exhibition

Date: 18.05.2012 - 20.05.2012 

City: Kielce - information about city

Holder: Targi Kielce

Topic: Natural Resources

"EcoFamily - 2012" exhibition news, 10-May-2012

Announce: Environmental Exhibition "EcoFamily - 2012" will be held from 18 to 20 May in Kielce. The Fair brings together producers, distributors and consumers of ecological goods composed of natural ingredients as well as organic products

The first three days of April were marked with the "EcoFamily" trade fair debut in Targi Kielce. 110 companies from Poland, Lithuania and Austria were presenting their offers. The fair was attended by 8 thousand visitors.

EcoFamily The trade fair brought together the exhibitors in order for them to exchange opinions and expertise in ecology. The fair attracted the representatives of numerous sectors which shape the market of ecological products. The exhibition organisers' aim was to present those firms, organizations, social indicatives which support a healthy style of living among children and adults. Improvement of domestic life in every aspect, becoming an informed consumer, raising healthy children in a safe, natural and pollution free environment have been of highest priority for many families in the world and have been gaining increased popularity in Poland.

In May Targi Kielce S.A. will again become Poland's largest gathering of enthusiasts of ecology and the solutions which improve the quality of everyday life.

The Fair brings together producers, distributors and consumers of ecological goods composed of natural ingredients as well as organic products and the products based on traditional, regional recipes.

The exhibition is accompanied by workshops, seminars, demonstrations and food tasting. The fair will also encompass promotion of Fair Trade idea, recycling, healthy nutrition, ecological fashion as well as educational campaigns and contests.

The most important special events are:

  • EcoFamily Green Cooking -- the meeting of ecological cuisine enthusiasts, culinary demonstrations, catering, tableware, pots and pans, cook books, media
  • Natural Beauty Parlour - presentation of the offer of cosmetic companies, SPA, hygienic product manufacturers

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