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Ecology of a big city - 2006

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6th International ecological forum. The 13th Specialized exhibition of constructions and means for water & air basins' protection, equipment for waste processing

Date: 14.03.2006 - 16.03.2006 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Year Number of exhibitors Countries Number of visitors Gross space Net space Source
2004 80 5 4000 LENEXPO
2003 84 7 6000 640 sq. m. 278 sq. m. Russian union of exhibition and fairs
"—" means information failing

In march 15-17 2005 on the territory of Lenexpo exhibition center the XII international specialized exhibition of the constructions and devices for protection of water and air basins, environmental protection services "Ecology of Big City" and international industrial exhibition of means and services in sphere collection, recycling and disposal of wastes " Waste management: technologies and equipment" were held within the framework of the International Ecological Forum. These exhibitions awoke a great interest for business world and scientists as well as for federal and city authorities.

More than 100 companies from Russia, USA, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia presented their technologies and services.

6866 specialists were visiting the International Ecological Forum for 3 days. According to marketing research, conducted among the visitors the level of the exhibition had significantly raised. Since the exhibition increased we can suppose that the development of this exhibition trend in North - West region in Russia and Baltic States is rather perspective.

the business program was held within the exhibition and included:

  • Training for the enterprises heads concerning environmental protection and ecological safety
  • "The round table" Ecology of business: the Policy or philosophy?
  • "The round table" Problems of organization of innovative activity in the field of resource-saving technologies in Northwest region
  • Seminar "cooperation in the field of environmental and atmospheric monitoring"
  • Courses of qualification improvement for heads "Management of production and consumption wastes: Experience of Finland
  • Presentation of the Finnish municipal company JYKES OY Ecological project "JUKES", aimed at the development of technical and scientifically-information cooperation in the field of the waste management
  • The International industrial conference "Waste management: domestic and international system of ecological management"
  • "The Round table" Urban soil degradation and new ecological technology for soil reconstitution
  • Excursion to the reload point OF MOTOR-vehicle pool № 1 "Spetstrance" (a line of waste sorting) and to the range of solid household waste "New light - ECO" ltd
  • Seminar in Finland: "Management of production and consumption hazardous waste" and excursion to the Finnish enterprises and the Range of wastes recycling in Juvaskyla city

On the whole the International Ecological Forum created high interest among visitors and participants. It gave an opportunity to get know about ecological problems and new ways of their solving.


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