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Ecology of Big City - 2010

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International Ecological Forum

Date: 17.03.2010 - 19.03.2010 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions

"Ecology of Big City - 2010" exhibition news, 01-Feb-2010

Announce: The International Ecological Forum "Ecology of Big City - 2010" will be held on March 17 - 19, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgounds.

The International Ecological Forum "Ecology of Big City - 2010" will be held on March 17 - 19, in Saint Petersburg, at the "Lenexpo" fairgounds.

The organizers and partners of the Forum have prepared a rich program. Four industrial exhibitions, conferences, round tables, training seminars will be working for exhibitors and visitors of the Forum, excursions around industrial plants are planned.

The Forum organizer "Lenexpo" OJSC, with the support of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RF in North-West Federal District, the Government of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF, industrial associations and specialized mass media are expecting that the popular ecological exhibitions will traditionally incite great interest among the business representatives, chief executives and government officials of the different level, environmental engineers at industrial enterprises, deputies, representatives of public ecological organizations, scientists.

The foreign and Russian companies will arrange their expositions at the exhibitions "Waste management: technologies and equipment", "Air cleaning", "Water treatment", "Nature protective services and equipment", which will make it possible to have a look at the modern equipment and technologies in the field of industrial and consumer waste management, waste water treatment; water preparation, water supply and drainage; dust and gas removal at industrial plants, and devices and systems of environmental control and etc.

Day by day grows the number of foreign companies, participating in the Forum. Collective expositions of the Finnish companies from Innovative and Technological Center of Lahti town, Czech companies together with the Agency of Czech Business Support "CzechTrade" will be presented at the Forum. Nature protective equipment and technologies will be presented by the leading companies from Germany, France, Austria, Sveden, Italy. A demonstration of the new garbage-removal truck operation will be carried out at the stand of Pacway Systems AB company, one of the leading European manufacturers of equipment for cost-effective, safe, and environmentally friendly collection and transportation of wastes.

Within the framework of the events, included into working program of the Forum and held with the participation of governmental officials and business representatives, top experts in the field of environment protection, the exhibitors and visitors will have ample opportunities for establishing mutually-beneficial contacts and partnership for solving commercial and environment protective problems in their further activities.

The Department of Saint Petersburg Industrial and Household Wastes Management invites the chief executives and experts of related companies and organizations to take part in the conference "Industrial and Household Wastes Management: Russian and International Experience", round tables "Prospects of the City Sanitary Cleaning", "Autorecycling", and excursions around the operating plants for utilization and sorting out of solid household wastes.

The state unitary enterprise "Saint Petersburg Water Treatment Plant", within the framework of the Forum, organizes excursions to the Central Aeration Station, South-West Water Treatment Plant, and Plant for Sludge Burning. The results of the previous excursions at the past editions of the Forum showed that visiting these facilities and studying the way, how one of the most advanced Russian enterprise operates, proved useful for many specialists in the field of water management.

Among the business events within the Forum, the international conference "Recycling of Wastes" will be held for the third time. Chief executives and experts of the Russian and foreign companies are planning to visit it. In the year 2010, the "Recycling of Wastes" conference will be held with the support of the Russian Association of Wastes Recycling. The "Clean City" association invites specialists, who might be interested in the conference "Current Questions of Resource Saving by Waste Management".

The topics of the Forum seminars are very varied. The North-West Association of Water Supply and Drainage "BALTVOD" carries out a seminar "Regulation of Normative and Legal Issues in the Field of Water Management", and the Association of Engineers for Micropollution Control "ASINKOM" carries out the seminar "Clean Premises: Air Cleaning Technologies, Standards, Projecting, Operation". The specialists will also be able to visit the seminar "New Requirements in Environmental Legislation" (the organizer is non-state educational establishment "Ecological Educational Center"); seminar-training "Ecological Furnishing of Residential Territories" (the organizer is the International Academy of Science on Ecology, People and Nature Safety (MANEB).

The organizer invites chief executives and experts in the field of industrial and consumer wastes, water treatment, air cleaning, civil, industrial, and road building, housing and utilities, firnishing and greening of cities, energy saving, finacial, auditing and consulting services, ecologists at industrial facilities, scientists, representatives of governmental offices and deputies of all levels to take part in the Forum's work.


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