Металлургмаш. Литмаш. Металлоконструкции - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Forum "Libyan Economic Forum"

City: Tripoli - information about city
Holder: Libyan Businessmen Council
Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety.

Major Business Investment & Development in Libya. The Libya development program - 2008-2010 an overview; The role of foreign companies in the implementation of the Libya development program; The future role of Libya in the global economy; Recent economic developments and strategies in Libya (fiscal, trade, oil, gas & investment policies); International perspectives with invited speakers from the EU, USA, China, GCC, Russia, India and the African Union; Enhancing the role of international banks analysis of new banking regulations; Financial services (project financing, export financing, export credit insurance, ratings agencies); Tax considerations; Special in depth focus, a review of major project activity and investment and finance opportunities.

The past conferences:

Libyan Economic Forum - 2007

2nd Major Business Investment & Development in Libya

Date: 05.11.2007 - 06.11.2007

See also: description
