IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
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Education from A to Z. Career - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

12th Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 23.03.2010 - 26.03.2010 

City: Ekaterinburg - information about city

Holder: Business contacts agency LLC

Topic: Society

"Education from A to Z. Career - 2010" exhibition news, 26-Feb-2010

Announce: On March 23-26, in Ekaterinburg, the 12th International Specialized Exhibition - "Education from A to Z. Career - 2010" will be held.

The current situation demands closer attention to the professional education, set up a claim to its level and quality. Thus, in the field of education, new professions are introduced, the centers of specialists retraining and advanced training are being established.

For over ten years the "Education from A to Z. Career - 2010" exhibition is the center of business communication in the sphere of educational technologies, developing technics for raising the educational quality and efficiency, and also the place of future profession choice for different people - from youths to specialists, who are thinking about getting a second higher education, profession change or career advancement. The annual holding of the exhibition has already become a good tradition and confirmed its status of the largest educational exhibition in Ural.

So, in 2009, over 19,000 people visited the exhibition, 148 companies took part in it not only from Ural Region but also from other regions of the Russian Federation.

The exhibition of 2009 has a Certificate of going through exhibition audit and a Certificate of the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs award for its high organizational level and for its importance in the regional economy and establishing foreign economic relations.

The "Education from A to Z. Career - 2010" exhibition has a goal to show the options on the market of professional education and career guidance as well as advanced training and retraining of specialists at the operating enterprises. This will give the chance to evaluate the opportunities and the main trends of the business activity development, to make a choice of the future profession and to take up a worthy place in the professional sphere.

A special attention is paid to the innovative training technologies and programs and to the advanced training and extended professional education.

Within the framework of the "Education from A to Z. Career - 2010" exhibition, conferences, round tables, ceminars will be held, master classes will be given, presentations of the best higher, secondary, and primary professional education establishments in the Russian Federation will be made, business meetings of representatives of publishing houses and book trading organizations as well as consultations for teachers at various educational institutions will take place. There will also be a fair of vacancies for workers and trainees.


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