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Electrical Engineering. Power Industry. Automation. Lighting Engineering - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 20.11.2012 - 23.11.2012 

City: Krasnoyarsk - information about city

Holder: Krasnoyarsk Fair

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"Electrical Engineering. Power Industry. Automation. Lighting Engineering - 2012" exhibition news, 26-Oct-2012

Announce: From 20th to 23th of November in Krasnoyarsk "Siberian energy forum" (SEF) will be held for the 3rd time. It will unite congress program and 20th Specialized exhibition "Electrical Engineering. Power Industry. Automation. Lighting Engineering - 2012".

From 20th to 23th of November in International and business center "Siberia" the "Siberian energy forum" will be held for the third time. The forum will unite wide congress program and 20th Anniversary specialized exhibition "Electrical Engineering. Power Industry. Automation. Lighting Engineering - 2012". During 19 years the project became significant for Krasnoyarsk: the event of that kind is held only in four cities of Russia. At the present day the fairground of SEF is the largest beyond the Urals.

This year the key event of the congress part will be the plenary meeting "Energy bridge: solution of problems of deficient Russian territories".

Many tasks are set before Russian energetics, one of them - to remove geographical restrictions by means of transmission of electric power electricity in good supply at long range with minimal losses. That particular task will be the main subject at the plenary meeting and the round table, dedicated to discussing of the project "Creation of energy bridge "Siberia-Ural-Center" on the principle of private-public partnership".

Also the business program of the Siberian energy forum will include round tables on the subjects of: "New approaches of tariff regulation of electrical energy market", "Methods and prospects of introduction of renewable energy sources", "Innovations in energetics", "Energy service. Problems and solutions", the 1st All-Russian research and practice conference "Energy efficiency of city life support system".

Being held in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Siberian energy forum has range of advantages. According to the Ministry of economic and regional development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the region is one of the most invested regions in Russia - top position in Siberian Federal District, 8th position among Russian Federation subjects. In the territory of the region the largest investment projects are realized on the federal level (construction of Boguchany Dam, development of Vankor oil and gas field, construction of railroad line Kyzyl-Kuragino).

Here the leading Russian industrial organizations are centralized, among them: MMC "Norilsk Nickel", Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, Krasnoyarsk nonferrous metals plant named after V. P. Gulidov, Krasnoyarsk Dam, Federal state unitary enterprise "Krasmash" and others. Besides that the world largest electricity generating plants are built here - at the present time there are 20 operating electric power plants and one under construction.

According to opinions of exhibitors, the exposition and business program of the Siberian energy forum are ones of the strongest in matter. In 2012 "Electrical Engineering. Power Industry. Automation. Lighting Engineering" will unite not less than 200 exhibitors from various regions of Russia, CIS countries, countries of the near and the far abroad at one platform.

70 % of exhibitors of the last year have confirmed their participation in the project of 2012. Among them: LLC Trading company "Electrocomplex" (Minusinsk), LLC "Siberian plant "Energoprom" (Novokuznetsk), LLC "KomplektEnergo" (Cheboksary), CJSC "Energomash - Uralelektrotyazhmash" (Yekaterinburg), LLC "Fenix Kontakt RUS" (Moscow), LLC Center of packaged supplies "Evrasiya" (Krasnoyarsk), LLC "GES-engineering" (Divnogorsk), CJSC ЗАО "Promstroikabel" (Tryokhgorny), Group of companies "ABS Electro" (Moscow), CJSC "RTSoft" (Moscow). The following companies have already sent applications for participation: LLC "Rele i avtomatika" (Moscow), LLC ООО НПК "Sim-Ross" (Moscow Region), LLC "Company "Karat" (Yekaterinburg), OJSC "Kontaktor" (Ulyanovsk), LLC "LAPP Russia" (Samara), LLC "Haupa-Рє" (Pskov), LLC "Vertikal Elektro" (Moscow), LLC "Montel" (Novosibirsk), CJSC "MTD "Energoregionkomplekt" (Moscow), LLC "Finder" (Moscow) and others.

The companies will present novelties in the field of electrical engineering, energetics and thermal engineering, energy and resource saving, automation, electronics, and lighting engineering. Among the exhibiting items: digital switchboard instruments, automation devices, intelligent energy accounting meters, instruments for standardization and metrology centers, uninterruptible power supply units, constant-voltage regulators, various substation equipment, insulating materials, wind generators, solar power accumulator, wide range of lighting facilities of the coming generation, LED products and many other things.

Within "SEF - 2012" the distribution of prizers for winners in the title of the best young professional in the industry of housing and public utilities will take place. The competition of professional skills "Electrician" will be held for the third time.

"Today only new technologies and alternative energy conservation equipment give opportunity for sustainable use of energy resources. At the present time one of the most important trends in the industry is migration to intelligent metering devices, - said the exhibition director Yelena Kashirina, - and the platform of our project gives opportunity to become familiar with advanced technologies for energy conservation, to study the market of specialized services, and to discuss range of important solutions on matters of modernization of operating industrial facilities".


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