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ELECTRO - 2010. Electrical and Power Engineering

Attention! The event is over.

12th Specialized Exhibition

Date: 17.02.2010 - 19.02.2010 

City: Rostov-on-Don - information about city

Holder: Expo-Don

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions

"ELECTRO - 2010. Electrical and Power Engineering" exhibition news, 15-Feb-2010

Announce: The 12th Specialized Exposition "ELECTRO - 2010. Electrotechnics and Energy" will be held on February 17 - 19 2010 at Rostov Sports Palace.

The 12th Specialized Exposition "ELECTRO - 2010. Electrotechnics and Energy" will be held on February 17 - 19 2010 at Rostov Sports Palace. The event is the major electrotechnical exposition in the southern Russia, well-known not only in the Southern Federal District. It's meant for specialists from such spheres as electrotechnics, power generating, energy efficiency, lighting engeneering and wiring industry. Current industrial information, electrotechnical equipment for modern industry, energy-saving technologies and materials, next generation power units, innovative projects and developments will be exhibited at the exposition.

In comparison with recessionary 2009, this year "ELECTRO - 2010. Electrotechnics and Energy" shows a higher number of standholders. About 120 Russian and foreign companies, as well as joint ventures presented their products at the exhibition. More than half of companies are our regular customers. Every year leading electrotechnical enterprises' representatives come to the exhibition, such as: GC "Electroshield"TM Samara, ZAO "DKS", INTERFACE Ritm company, OOO "INTERELECTROCOMPLECT", OOO "TAVRIDA ELECTRIC ROSTOV-DON", OOO "ELEPHANT", ZAO "STRIM" firm, OOO TTP "VEBION", OOO "IZ Mikom", ZAO "MEANDR", OOO "IZ "BRESLER"", OOO "DIN Electro Craft", Lapp Group, TTP "VEBION" Concern Rosenergoatom, OOO "ABB Moskabel" OOO "Rittal" OOO "Rosenergoservice", ZAO "SVEL" Group, etc. Our partners from Belarus take part in the exposition on a regular basis. This year Belarus is represented by Belaruskabel from Mozur and SOAO "Gomelkabel". Along regular partners there are many new participants - OOO "SKE-Electro", FGUP "PO "UOMZ", OOO"MEK", ZAO "Energia", FGUP "Electrohimprom Plant" Sverdlovsk transformers plant, PUK-WERKE (Germany) - Moscow representation and others. For the first time foreign companies will be represented by Ust Kamenogorsk condenser plant from Kazakstan, which will also carry out a seminar.

The exposition creates convenient conditions for effective business communication, familiarizing with innovations and experience exchange, presenting an opportunity to demonstrate high technologies and equipment models.


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