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Elektro - 2013

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22nd International Exhibition for Electrical Equipment for Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Date: 17.06.2013 - 20.06.2013 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Elektro - 2013" exhibition news, 11-Jun-2013

Announce: In Moscow in the Central exhibition complex "Expocentre" from 17th to 20th of June the 22nd International Exhibition of equipment for power engineering and electrical engineering "Elektro - 2013" will be held.

"Elektro" - 40 years of sustainable development.

For modernization and competitive growth of Russian economy it is necessary to develop electronic products of the new generation, that would allow to introduce new technologies to all industries of the economic sector, social sphere and the country defense complex.

The international exhibition "Elektro" is dedicated to solving this important country-wide problem. The exhibition is the leading event in the field in Russia and CIS countries, which promotes advanced electrical equipment and devices, energy-saving technologies and materials of the next generation to the Russian market.

The exhibition "Elektro" had been being held in Moscow since 1972 and is the largest exhibition in electrotechnical industry in Russia and CIS countries, which proves the status of on of the most authoritative platforms, and which unites paticipants and consumers of the market of electric products every year.

The exhibition has signs of Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and Russian Union of Exhibition and Fairs (RUEF).

The "Expocentre" holds the exhibition "Elektro" under the patronage of RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Moscow City Government.

The exhibition creates good conditions for rising innovative and investment activity in the industry, expansion of business partnership and go-ahead for new prospective project in the field of power engineering and electrical engineering, attracts a wide range of Russian and foreign specialists from electrotechnical and related industries for cooperation.

In two pavilions № 2 and 8 at the exhibition area of 9500 square meters during 4 days 450 Russian and foreign exhibitors from 25 countries will demonstrate their achievements.

National expositions and collective stand are prepared by companies from Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Czech Republic. For the first time at "Elektro" national exposition of Indian companies will be presented, which is organized by the Association of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM).

The following large companies will present their products: ABB, C & S Electric, EAE Elektrik, Finder, Klemsan, Legrand, Lovato Electric, Minsk Electrotechnical Plant named after V.I. Kozlov, Klinkmann, OBO Bettermann, Phoenix Contact, Puk-Werke KG, Rittal, RPS Riello, Wago Contact, Pentair, Vergokan.

Enterprises and organizations from many Russian regions will present domestic products. The following companies are among the most famous: PKF "Avtomatika", "IEK", Kamskiy Kabel, "Kaskad-energoset", "Kentauskii transformer works", "Company "Elektromontazh"", Korenevsky Plant of Low-Voltage Equipment , KEAZ, "National Electric", "Morozov's National Electrotechnical Company", Nizhny Novgorod Research and production Association named after M.V.Frunze, "NIPOM", "RTK-Elektro M", "Ruvinil", Sverdlovsk Works of Current Transformers, "Symmetron -Electronic components", "Taipit", "Triol-Elektrik", "Ekola", "Elektrointer", "Electronmash", "Elektroshchit-K", "Elektrozavod", Electrotechnical company "Flavir", "Elinar", Energotechnical works "Energomera" and many others.

For the years of its existence the exhibition "Elektro" has passed into a multidisciplinary international. The complex and integrated solution of the exhibition is worthwhile. The goal of the organizers is to unite the industry at one platform and to present the widest range of products and services for all the participants of the electric power market.

In 2013 the exhibition "Elektro" will present a new framework concept from six cumulative salons: "Electric energy industry", "Electrotechnics", "Industrial lighting engineering", "Building automation systems", "Cables. Wires. Fittings", "Energy saving and innovations".

Equipment and materials for electrical energy production, transmission, distribution and consumption; modern lighting facilities, devices and means of control and account of electrical energy parameters, self-contained source of supply; industrial heating devices, electro-thermal and welding equipment; electric tools and hardware for repair and maintenance of electrical facilities, energy-efficient equipment and technologies in the electrical energy industry will be presented at the exhibition stands.

Considering the hasty growth of the Russian lighting engineering market and ever-increasing interest of exhibitors and visitors to the subject, in 2013 the section "Industrial lighting engineering" is separated as an independent salon. The exposition will be dedicated to industrial application of modern lighting products: lighting equipment for manufacturing facilities, emergency and street lighting, lighting for commercial buildings, components and materials for lighting products manufacturing.

This year the project "ElectroPark" is continuing to develop. The project is called to support developers of electrical products in promotion of their ideas. More than 50 exhibiting companies will present their innovative technologies and developments within the project "ElectroPark".

The subject "Building automation. Energy efficiency" is attended this year too. The exhibition will present novelties for improving energy efficiency of buildings/equipment, and expert recommendations on technological supplying of facilities using energy-saving technologies.

For the first time at the exhibition "Elektro - 2013" the new project "Expocentre is on exhibitions without pirated goods" will be presented. The project is focused on reduction of cases of demonstrating pirated goods at exhibitions. At the special stand № 23С70 in the pavilion № 2, hall 3 highly professional lawyers will consult exhibitors and visitors, they will provide information on the existing practice and opportunities of legal defense of intellectual property.

The exhibition "Elektro - 2013" will be attended by a wide exhibition program. Representatives of legislative and executive government, leading industry associations and unions, heads of the largest electric power companies from Russia and foreign countries, producers of electrical equipment, scientists and experts will gather together to discuss problems of adoption of the advanced technologies in electrical energy industry within work of seminars and round tables, which are planned at "Elektro - 2013".

Within the exhibition the following events will be held:

  • The round table "Cabling and wiring industry in the context of Russia entering WTO". The event is organized by the general media partner of the exhibition: media-holding "Ruskabel" with the support of the Energetics Committee of the State Duma and with the assistance of the "Expocentre"
  • The 10th international conference "Renewable and Small Energy". The organizers: Committee on Renewable Energy Sources RosSNIO, Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii, Research and development center "VINDEK", Russia
  • The seminar and meeting of heads of electronetwork companies "Needed changes in the rules of technological connection". The organizers: Expert section of the advisory committee by the chairman of the energetics committee GD FS RF "Electrical networks", Association of Russian municipal power supply "PROGRESSELEKTRO", the magazine for specialists of electricity supply network complex "ELECTRIC ENERGY. Transmission and distribution"
  • The presentation forum "Mega-CITY. Intellectual city: dream and reality". The organizers: the Central exhibition complex "Expocentre", Russia, in partnership with DKE - German committee on electrical, electronic and information technologies in DIN and VDE, Germany
  • The Research and Practice Seminar on the subject of electrical machines, cable products and electric insulating materials: "About development and organization of production of change speed asynchronous motors using wires with coronaproof isolation". The organizers: the Association "Elektrokabel", All-Russian Research and Development Institute for Cable Industry, the International Association "Interelektromash"
  • The Research and Practice Seminar of engineering directors and design managers "About development and production of new electrotechnical steels of OAO "NLMK and OAO "Severstal", products of bearing corporations and electric insulating materials for electrical machines of medium and high power. Issues of technical re-equipping of these machines producers". The organizers: the association "Elektrokabel", the international association "Interelektromash"
  • The All-Russian business forum "Electric engineering. Business-strategy - 2013". The organizer - the Congress and exhibition company "Imperiya"

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