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Press Release

ElectronTechExpo - 2016

On 15-17 March the 14th International exhibition of technologies, equipment and materials for the electronic and electrical industries "ElectronTechExpo - 2016" was held at Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia.

"ElectronTechExpo" is the only international exhibition of technologies, equipment and materials for the electronic and electrical industries in Russia.

In 2016, among the exhibitors there were 98 companies from Belgium, Belarus, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, USA. The exhibitors demonstrated products of more than 500 world brands. The visitors got acquainted with equipment and materials for the production of printed circuit boards and electronics, electroplating equipment, technological equipment for microelectronics, conveyor systems, components storage cabinets, cable assemblies and wire harnesses production solutions, measuring instruments, test and support equipment, industrial furniture, antistatic equipment, soldering equipment and materials, materials for electronic modules cleaning and protection, auxiliary equipment, clean rooms, 3D printing additive technologies, 3D scanners, and etc.

Companies IVSERVICE S.R.O. (Czech Republic), EQUIP-TEST GROUP (Hungary), REHM THERMAL SYSTEMS (Germany), ROCHLING PERMALI COMPOSITES S.A.S. (France), SHENZHEN ZEYU INTELLIGENT INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD (China), SEICA SPA (Italy), etc. took part in the exhibition for the first time.

"ExpoElectronica", the largest international exhibition of electronic components, modules and systems both in terms of the number and importance of its exhibitors in Russia and Eastern Europe, was held alongside with "ElectronTechExpo". 11 110 people from 35 countries and 64 regions of Russia visited the exhibitions within three days.

The following persons took part in the exhibition official opening ceremony: Pavel P. Kutsko, Deputy Director of the Department of Radioelectronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Maxim V. Grishin, Head of Department of Federal State Budgetary Institution "46 Central Research Institute" of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation; Alexey V. Kondratiev, Adviser to the Chairman of the Commission on Defense Industry Complex of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Arseny V. Brykin, Deputy General Director of the holding company Ruselectronics; Victoria A. Shelepova, Technical Director of "RT-INFORM" company; Alexey V. Gostomelsky, Managing Director of the Department of Strategy Implementation Infrastructure Development and Engineering Companies Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programmes "RUSNANO"; Alexander N. Polyakov, Head of the Directorate of Development and Cooperation Control of the company "Defence Systems";  Alex Chen, Director of the Economic Department of the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation; Boris N. Avdonin, Advisor to the General Director of Central Scientific and Research Institute "Electronica"; Alexander S. Kurlyandsky, General Director of "ELINT-SP company"; Irina A. Liubuna, General Director of "PRIMEXPO" company.

The exhibitions business programme started with the round table Electronic industry: the import substitution policy, problems and development prospects of the electronic component base. Participants discussed issues of the single approach to import substitution and unification challenges in the field of electronic components and equipment; import substitution of electronics packaging, semiconductor electronics, power and microwave electronics; possibilities of the university science in microelectronics; import substitution management approaches amid limits of the domestic electronic component base, and etc.

Within the framework of the exhibitions business programme were also held:
- Seminar "Guide to the world's electronic components" (L. Shapiro);
- 32 seminars and presentations of exhibitors; - The Day of LED technologies: technical seminars and presentations of the leading developers, manufacturers and distributors of LED products, components and solutions.

For the third time within the exhibitions the IPC Hand Soldering Competition was held by PRIMEXPO and IPC Association.

The Gold Partners of the competition were the following companies: NEW TECHNOLOGIES, OSTEC, NCAB, DIAL; TERMOPRO became a Silver Partner; Bronze Partners were ELECTROLUBE and GLOBAL ENGINEERING.

33 contestants were struggling for the title of the best radioelectronic equipment installer, 15 of which have managed to complete assembling within 60 minutes. Except for professional installers, students of Moscow College of space device engineering (under the leadership of Laboratory Chief A.A. Kovalev) took part in the competition for the third time.

The judges assessed assemblies for compliance with standard IPC-A-610 (class 3) and awarded the premier place to Tatiana Andreeva (Nizhny Novgorod), the second place to Alexander Struchkov (Moscow), the third place to Daniel Shemenev (Moscow). The winners were granted with hard disks given by sponsoring company NEW TECHNOLOGIES (St. Petersburg). Contestants taking the 4th-9th places received consolation prizes from ELECTROLUBE and DIAL.


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