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Power Engineering - 2010

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16th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 09.02.2010 - 12.02.2010 

City: Samara - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga" Ltd.

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"Power Engineering - 2010" exhibition news, 05-Feb-2010

Announce: 16th International Specialized Exhibition "Power Engineering - 2010" will be held on February 9, 14:00 at Exhibition Center "Expo-Volga".

The 16th International Specialized Exhibition "Power Engineering - 2010" will be held on February 9, 14:00 at the Exhibition Center "Expo-Volga". Executives of the Samara Region Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology and other large power generating companies will take part in the official opening ceremony and the following press-conference.

More than 150 of Russian and foreign companies, operating in the power generating sector will be brought together at the Annual International Exhibition "Power Engineering" to present new equipment and technologies, communicate with colleagues and establish business relations. The list of exhibitors includes such enterprises as the Volgian Power Generating Company, Samarsky plant "Electroshield", Sverdlovsky transformer plant and others.

The exhibition sections are: hydraulic, heat and electric power; non-traditional and small power engineering; industrial and public power engineering; energy technologies and equipment; electric machinery, appliances and devices; turbo-generators, turbines, compressors, auxiliary equipment items; boilers, burners, boiling and auxiliary equipment, heat-exchange devices and much more.

Today one of the priorities of power engineering development is energy saving. At the "Power Engineering - 2010" exhibition special attention will be given to power saving and energy audit. The forum will include roundtable discussion on the issue of "Energy Saving in Housing and Public Utilities". The organizers are the Committee on Business Activity in the Housing and Public Utilities Sector of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and non-production union "SRO Housing and Public Utilities of the Samara Region". Within the framework of the round table it is planned to discuss new Federal Law of "Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improving", and introduction special energy saving programs.

Nowadays the development of power engineering industry is impossible without retrofitting of equipment at power engineering facilities. The issues of introducing innovative and energy-saving technologies will be discussed during the roundtable discussion "Power Engineering Modernization: Resource Saving Technologies in Power Generating, Distribution and Consumption". The organizer is "Expert Volga" magazine. Representatives of the Samara Region Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology, United Russia Party and the Volga Region Department of Russian Engineering Academy are invited to join the discussion.

The "Power Engineering" exhibition stimulates the innovation activity of companies, which offer high-tech products. Every year the organizers arrange the "Power Engineering Innovations" competition, which draws attention of the public, political structures and business community to the inventions, presented at the exhibition.

In 2009 over 150 companies participated in the exhibition; during 4 working days the Exhibition Center was visited by more than 5,000 people, 95% of which - industry professionals, company executives, production managers, leading specialists and technical directors.

The project will be traditionally held with the assistance of the Samara Region Ministry of Industry, Energy and Technology, the Government of Samara, Belorussian Associaton of Industrial Power Engineers and Association of the Volga Region Cities, under the auspices of Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


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