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Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction

Attention! The event is over.

7th International Exhibition

Date: 06.04.2010 - 08.04.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ZAO VK VVC "Industry and Building"

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions

"Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction" exhibition news, 29-Jan-2010

Announce: On April 6 -8, in Moscow, on the territory of All-Russian Exhibition Center, the 7th International Exhibition "Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction" will be held, timed to Geologist's Day celebration.

On April 6 -8, in Moscow, on the territory of All-Russian Exhibition Center, the 7th International Exhibition "Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction" will be held, timed to Geologist's Day celebration.

The exhibition organizers are:

  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Subsurface Management Agency

Federation Counsil Committee on Natural Resources and Environment Protection, State Duma Committee, Federal Assembly of the RF and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF has been supporting this event since 2004.

The reports of representatives of the fundamental geological science, industrial geological organizations, supplying up-to-date technological equipment enterprises, technical means of search and exploration of natural resource deposits, and business will be read out at the scientific and technical conference "Nanotechnologies in Geology and Innovative Trends of Mineral and Raw Materials Complex Development", planned within the framework of the exhibition "Subsurface Resources - 2010. Study. Exploration. Extraction".

It has become a good tradition that during the work of the exhibition, a festival of geological author's song "People Walk Around the World" will be carried out, which is always a success among exhibitors and visitors to the exhibition.


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