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Inernational Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2008

Attention! The event is over.


Date: 16.06.2008 - 18.06.2008 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications, Society

"Inernational Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2008" exhibition news, 04-Jun-2008

Announce: "Expocenter" is holding International Forum of Exhibition Industry "5pEXPO - 2008" for the second time. It is to be held on June 16-18, and convenes exhibition industry professionals and exhibition services consumers from all over the world.

The central exhibition complex "Expocenter" is holding International Forum of Exhibition Industry "5pEXPO - 2008" for the second time. The forum is to be held from the 16th to 18th of June and brings together exhibition industry professionals and exhibition services consumers from all over the world at the exhibition grounds of Expocenter.

Forum name 5pEXPO - is a unity of five main components of modern exhibition business:

  • place - leading fairground and congress centers
  • product - offers on the exhibition market
  • price - participation cost
  • promotion - promotion of exhibitions and fairs
  • partnership - mutually beneficial cooperation

Russian and foreign exhibition complexes and congress centers, exhibition and congress operators, national exhibition and industrial associations, unions and associations of producers and exporters of goods and services, companies and firms representing all the spectrum of exhibition and fair services, chambers of commerce and industry of Russia and other countries, financial and banking structures supporting the organization and holding of exhibitions are taking part in the forum.

The first International Forum of Exhibition Industry brought together in June of 2007, 97 professional exhibition companies from Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, UAE, Poland, Korea Republic, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland. The booths and presentation zones of the forum were visited by over 1200 exhibition experts and representatives of the different economy branches. The current president of the World Association of Exhibition Industry (UFI) Cliff Wallas and the president of the International Federation of Exhibition Service (IFES) Lesley Tsekh were present at the opening ceremony. The press conference, dedicated to the first edition of the forum 5pEXPO at the Expocenter brought together the chief editors and journalists of 69 press, television and radio companies.

95 % of the visitors and participants of the Forum "5pEXPO" of the year 2007 appraised the new exhibition project of the central exhibition complex "Expocenter" as useful; 78 % stated that they realized the objectives which were put before the Forum visiting and gave the highest grade for its effectiveness and professionalism of the event organizers - CEC "Expocenter" and "EXPOKONSTA" CJSC.

This year the unique exhibition and congress project of the CEC "Expocenter" is going to collect still more participants and potential consumers of exhibition services. The first will be able to present and the second to see and appreciate exhibition programs of the Russian and foreign operators for the year 2009, offers on the design and building of stands, potentials of the specialized exhibition press editions as well as firms engaged in development and production of the special equipment for exhibition holding.

The prove of recognition of the high professionalism of CEC "Expocenter" and its exhibition project "5pEXPO" is the participation in the Forum in Expocenter of the new exhibition venues such as, for example international exhibition center "Crocus Expo". Expocenter welcomes its colleagues - exhibition professionals, who decided to demonstrate their performance capabilities within the frames of the Forum "5pEXPO", and are not afraid of the competition which they consider as development booster for the Russian economy and useful helping mechanism of implementation of the national priority projects.

In the next year the CEC "Expocenter" will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Its exhibition program still hasn't got a counterpart in Russia and CIS on the level of its international recognition and popularity. Eighteen exhibitions were rewarded UFI sign, confirming their highest international standard in line with which they are held. The results of every exhibition project of Expocenter are verified by independent audit and the ratio of 1 sq. m. of Expocenter floor space circulation (17!) is the highest in Europe.

By organizing the second edition of the International Forum of Exhibition Industry "5pEXPO", the CEC "Expocenter" has a target to promote the development of the exhibition business in the regions of the Russian Federation, to open up opportunities for potential consumers of the exhibition services to plan their individual programs in the shows of 2009 beforehand and calculate the optimal financial investment schemes into such important marketing tool as exhibitions. CEC "Expocentr" expects that the friendly competition of the Russian and foreign exhibition operators at the 5pEXPO grounds will become a media of a healthy competition and professional partnership in the exhibition industry of Russia.

The Forum "5pEXPO" will certainly contribute to the activation of the international business relations of the Russian enterprises, world market promotion of which is one of the priority targets of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the central exhibition complex "Expocenter".


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