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International Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2011

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International Forum of Exhibition Industry

Date: 08.06.2011 - 10.06.2011 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expocentre

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications, Society

"International Forum of Exhibition Industry - 5pEXPO - 2011" exhibition news, 02-Jun-2011

Announce: An unique project for Russian and international exhibition business "International forum of exhibition industry - 5pEXPO" will be held from 8th to 10th of June in Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre".

From 8th to 10th of June in Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" "International forum of exhibition industry - 5pEXPO -2011" will be held. The unique project for Russian and international exhibition business is realized by CJSC "Expocentre" and Camber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation under the patronage of Moscow Government and with the support of Russian Union of Exhibition s and Fairs (RUEF).

Participation in the forum "5pEXPO" of such respected organizations as Global association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), International association of the Exhibition Service (IFES), Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) - is a demonstration of its high status and acceptance by professional exhibition comity.

This year about 100 exhibition companies from Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic will be participants of "5pEXPO", among them are the largest European exhibition companies: ITE, Messe Dusseldorf, Expoglobus.com, and also leaders of Russian exhibition industry: "Restec", "Dalexpocenter", "Lenexpo", All-Russia Exhibition Center, "Euroexpo", "ExpoConsta".

Exposition of "5pEXPO - 2011" will take space of 2000 sq. m (nett) in pavilion № 3 of Central Exhibition Center "Expocentre" where companies-consumers of exhibition and congress services can get a visual insight into all aspects of activity of exhibition and congress centers, companies-exhibition organizers and exhibition operators, developing firms and suppliers of equipment and technique facilities and many other members of exhibition services market.

For the first time under the international forum "5pEXPO" Salon of event-technologies is organized. The salon will present all the parts of modern technologies of special events organization. Specialized enterprises dedicated to technical support of various events, Russian and foreign agencies will take part in the salon.

Specialized salon and research and practical conference "Safety in holding exhibition-congress events" will be devoted to a topical subject of safety of mass events holding, the participants will discuss wide range of problems and demonstrate technical facilities and equipment for security vision and information protection during exhibition-congress events holding.

Rich business program of "5pEXPO - 2011" will include conference "Exhibition-congress activity as a mechanism of forming favorable regional investment climate in the setting of modernization of Russian economics".

Under the program of the forum events: research and practice conference on information technologies in the exhibition industry, round table "New trends in organizing exhibition and congress events abroad", workshops, topical performances and presentations.

"International forum of exhibition industry - 5pEXPO - 2011" will give a new impulse to development of exhibition-congress industry in Russia, expansion of relations between professional exhibition companies and consumers of exhibition-congress services.

Official opening of the forum "5pEXPO - 2011" will take place on 8th of June at 11 a.m. In pavilion № 3 of Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre".

The forum will work: from 8th to 9th of June - from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 10th of June - from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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