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АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025

ExpoGas - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

II international specialized exhibition

Date: 05.10.2004 - 08.10.2004 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city


Topic: Natural Resources


The Austrian exhibition company M.S.I. (Messe Service International) would like to invite you to participate in the 3rd International trade-fair AQUA-THERM 2004 that will be held in Saint Petersburg, October 5 - 8, 2004. Certain specialized Salons are set off within the framework of this exhibition: "Boilers. Burners", "Pipes. Fittings", "Swimming Pools".

The trade-fair AQUA-THERM has been held for over 15 years in Europe. The M.S.I. company has been helding it in Moscow since 1997. The first AQUA-THERM in Saint-Petersburg tool place in 2000 with participation of over 80 companies from 10 countries.

The second International specialized trade-fair "AQUA-THERM 2003" was held in October with participation of over 100 companies from 11 countries: representing Belgium, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia.

AQUA-THERM 2003 showed new achievements in the field of heating and gas equipment, control system and water supply, ventilation and air conditioning, pumping equipment, pipes and fittings, facilities for pools. These exhibitions are facing the satisfaction of demands of different industrial fields as well as demands of individual users.

Beside the exposition itself the trade-fair of 2003 went along with the Business and Scientifical program for specialists. It included the II International Conference "Ventilation, heat, gas and water supply of dwelling houses, industrial and public buildings. Ways of increasing the effectiveness, ecological safety and energy saving", and the Seminar "In-house gas, heat and water supply systems". Overview of the current situation and ways of development in the frame of reforming the domestic and municipal services. Accountancy and taxation in domestic and municipal services".

The trade-fair AQUA-THERM is of obvious interest for manufacturers and trading companies that expand the market of their products in any regions of Russia; it familiarizes its potential clients with the range of products, their costs, and assists in development of business contacts.

AQUA-THERM is officially supported by the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation, Federal Commettee of Construction, Domestic and Municipal Services (GOSSTROY) of the Russian Federation, city Administration, professional Associations, etc.


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