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ExpoMix - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

5th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 23.11.2004 - 25.11.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: International Analytical Review "ALITinform: Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixes"

Topic: Building and real estate


From year to year the exhibition "EXPOMix" confidently develops, expanding subjects and involving new Russian and foreign companies.

In 2003 the area of the exhibition have been 377 m2, that 1,5 times more than in 2002. Increasing of the exhibitors amount (more than 30 companies) and exhibition area speaks about high interest of the firms working on the dry mixtures market in annual holding of the professional, narrow specialized exhibition uniting all experts of dry building mixtures branch, both Russian, and foreign. The share of foreign participants in 2003 has made 45 %.

Geography of EXPOMix - 2003 participants
Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Poland, France, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden.

Trade marks
Aurora, Alicom, Az, Alit, Bayer, Welcoms +, Vselug, Eurohim-1, Rastro, Remix, United Trading System, Konstanta Development, Neva-Upak, Nisco, Polyplast, Pel, Strommashina, Efiry Cellulosy, AkzoNobel, AVEBE, Bang & Bonsomer, Celanese, Controls, Dow, Elotex, Lafarge, M-tec, Rafiz, Rhodia, Raute, Testing, Thermo Electron, Uelzener, Wacker, Wolff.


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